1153.08 BLOCKS.
   (a)    The maximum length of blocks shall generally be one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet. Those over nine hundred (900) feet may require a cross walkway at approximately the center.
   (b)    Where all or part of a subdivision is adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, a primary or secondary street, the greater dimension of blocks shall be generally parallel to the primary or secondary streets to avoid unnecessary ingress and egress.
   (c)    A single tier of lots facing the minor street shall be the preferred practice where the proposed minor street is parallel to a major street. An easement for screen planting of at least ten (10) feet, which shall not be traversed by vehicles, may be required along the lots abutting such a major street or non-residential land use. In other cases, the width of blocks shall generally be sufficient to allow two tiers of lots.
   (d)    Irregularly shaped blocks, including superblocks penetrated by cul-de-sacs and containing interior spaces, shall be encouraged when properly designed and when they fit the overall plan and when provisions for the maintenance of public areas is allowed for.
   (e)    Blocks intended for commercial and industrial use shall be designed specifically for such purposes with adequate space set aside for off-street parking and delivery facilities.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)