(a) At all regular and special meetings of Council, the presiding officer or "Chair" shall be the Mayor, or in his absence, the President of Council. In the absence of both the Mayor and the President of Council, the Clerk shall call Council to order, call the roll and if a quorum is present, Council shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson for the meeting until the appearance of the Mayor or the President of Council.
(b) At Committee of the Whole meetings, the presiding officer or "Chair" shall be the President of Council. In his absence, the other members present shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson for the meeting until the appearance of the President of Council.
(c) Members of the standing and special committees shall select one of themselves to act as Chairperson. In his or her absence, the committee members present shall select an acting Chairperson.
(d) The Chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order, subject to appeal to Council or in committee meetings to the other members present.
(e) The Mayor, President of Council or Chairperson of any meeting may call any other member to take his or her place in the Chair, such substitution not to continue beyond adjournment.
(f) If an appeal is taken from a ruling of the Chair, the Chair shall state the question at issue and the reasons for his decision if he thinks necessary, and then the following question shall be put to Council: “Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the decision of Council?” If a majority of those present vote yes, the ruling of the Chair is sustained, otherwise the Chair is overruled.
(g) No member of Council shall leave the Council Chamber while in regular session without permission from the Chair. If any member transgresses the Rules of Council, the Chair shall, or any member may, call him to order and the Chair shall render a decision as to the point of order and shall be sustained unless overruled by a majority vote of all members of Council present.
(Ord. 1078. Passed 1-24-77.)
(Ord. 1078. Passed 1-24-77.)
(h) No one except members of Council and City officers shall be permitted to address Council except upon permission by the Chair or upon introduction by a member of Council. If a person other than a City official desires to speak to a member while Council is in session, and the member is willing to speak with that person, the member shall leave his or her seat and retire to the back of the room or elsewhere while conversing with such a person.
(Ord. 94-014. Passed 5-9-94.)