(a) After an approval of a preliminary plat drawing, a final plat ("Plat" herein) of the subdivision may be submitted for approval by the Planning Commission as provided for in Section 1152.02 (Preliminary Plat Procedure: Fee), herein. A plat shall be considered submitted for approval by filing same in the office of the Planning Commission and written acknowledgment of such filing shall be furnished to the filing party.
(b) The Plat must substantially conform to an approved preliminary drawing previously submitted or must provide adequate data to permit proper review of any proposal which has not been approved in a preliminary drawing.
(c) All improvements such as streets, utilities, sidewalks, trees, monuments, and other facilities required by the Planning Commission under the standards of this Chapter shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service (hereinafter “Director"), unless the subdivider has filed a bond with surety or sureties to be approved by the Director in a form approved by the Solicitor, and in an amount which, as estimated by the Director, is sufficient to pay the cost of constructing such improvements and payment of any expenses required by the ordinances of the City. Such bond shall guarantee that all improvements will be constructed and completed in a satisfactory manner and within a reasonable period, not to exceed two (2) years, and that all such required expenses shall be paid. The bond shall be filed with the Director.
(d) The Director, provided the plat is in accordance with the within Regulations, shall endorse his or her written approval on said plat within thirty (30) calendar days after official filing of the plat, or forthwith advise the Planning Commission of the rules not complied with by the plat.
(e) The Planning Commission, by the plat, shall approve or disapprove the plat within sixty (60) calendar days after official filing of the plat; otherwise, it is deemed approved by the Commission.
(f) City Council, by ordinance duly passed, shall approve or disapprove the plat within thirty (30) calendar days of submission to it by the Planning Commission after the Planning Commission has approved the plat.
(g) Upon approval by the Planning Commission, Director, City Council, and necessary County agencies, the plat may be recorded with the County Recorder of Wood County, Ohio, within six (6) months. If not recorded within this time, all such approvals shall be deemed null and void.
(h) Before any building permits can be issued for lots in the plat, the plat must be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Wood County, Ohio.
(i) The tracing of the plat after recording shall be filed and retained in the office of the Director.
(j) The plat shall be a reproducible tracing twenty inches by thirty inches (20" x 30") in size or larger.
(k) All information on the plat, including signatures, shall be in black ink or other medium that is readily reproduced by printing and photostatic processes.
(l) The plat shall contain the following:
(1) Identification:
A. Name of Subdivision.
B. Location by township, section of town and range, and other legal description as necessary.
C. Names of owners and signatures and seal of registered surveyor.
D. Scale shown graphically.
E. Date and compass rose.
(2) Delineation:
A. Boundary of plat based on an accurate traverse with bearings, angular, and linear dimensions in conformance with the legal description shall be superimposed with a heavy dashed line to indicate the limits of the plat.
B. True angles and distances to at least three (3) of the nearest established street lines or official monuments which shall be accurately described on the plat.
C. Subdivision boundary lines shall be tied to section lines or other U.S. Government survey lines, by distances and angles.
D. Accurate location of all monuments. One (1) such monument shall be placed on each change in direction on the boundary of the plat and one (1) such monument shall be placed on the centerline of right-of-way of each street intersection and at the beginning and end of all street curves.
E. Exact location, width, and name of all streets within and adjoining the plat, and the exact location and widths of all alleys and crosswalk ways. (The name of a street shall not duplicate that of any existing streets. Proposed street names shall be checked with the proper City and County officials).
F. Exact location and width of all easements for rights-of-way provided for public services, utilities, or other purposes.
G. All lot or parcel numbers and lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of a foot.
H. Accurate designation of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon.
I. Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings, and lengths of all arcs.
J. Building setback lines accurately shown with dimensions.
K. Estimated elevation for high water level as determined by the appropriate agency.
(Ord. 2008-05. Passed 4-14-08.)