The preliminary plat drawing shall contain the following information:
(a) Identification and Description.
(1) The title "Preliminary Drawing.”
(2) Proposed name of the subdivision.
(3) Location by township, section, town, and range, or by other legal description.
(4) Names and addresses of developer and the surveyor who made the plat.
(5) Scale of plat shall be one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), shown graphically.
(6) Date and compass rose.
(7) Approximate acreage and key section.
(b) Delineation of Existing Conditions.
(1) Boundary line of proposed subdivision indicated by solid heavy line and the total approximate acreage encompassed thereby.
(2) Location, widths, and names of all existing or prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad, and utility rights-of-way or easements, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, and section and corporation lines, within or adjacent to the tract.
(3) Existing sewers, water mains, open drainage ditches, culverts, or other underground facilities within the tract, indicating pipe size, grades, and location, as obtained from public records for the area under consideration.
(4) Existing zoning of the proposed subdivision and adjacent tracts in zoned areas.
(5) Names and adjacent boundaries of all adjoining subdivisions and the names of the recorded owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land in excess of one (1) acre.
(6) Contours at two (2) foot intervals, as obtained from USGS maps.
(c) Delineation of Proposed Conditions.
(1) Layout of proposed streets, their names and widths, and also the widths of alleys, crosswalk ways, and easements.
(2) Layout, numbers, and dimensions of proposed lots and any proposed parcels.
(3) Proposed parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside for use of property owners in the subdivision.
(4) Proposed building setback lines showing dimensions.
(5) Sketch plans or written statements regarding the grades and typical cross sections of proposed streets, the facilities for storm water drainage, and any other proposed improvements within the subdivision, including water lines, sidewalks, and etc.
(6) Diagram of proposed drainage development, including streets and lots, with indication of their outlet into existing facilities, and proposed elevations of drains at critical points.
(7) In critical areas, high water levels are to be indicated and areas subject to flooding shown.
(8) Screen planting plan, if any.
(9) Proposed building setback lines, showing dimensions.
(d) Key Map: A key map, to consist of a print of the appropriate tax map or its equivalent, at a scale of not less than one inch equals four hundred feet (1" = 400'). With the boundaries of the proposed subdivision indicated thereon and covering the area within a half (½) mile radius thereof.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)