Buffer strips are required in the P, PC and PI Districts when side and/or rear lot lines adjoin land that is either zoned to permit residences, or has a residence (other than nursing homes, motels, or similar facilities) within one hundred (100) feet of such property line. All buffer zones shall include landscaped open space at least thirty (30) feet in width extending the full width of such side and/or rear lot line. The buffer zone shall include an earthen mound with slopes that do not exceed three (3) foot horizontal to one (1) foot vertical and vary in maximum height between three (3) and four (4) feet. All crests of mounds shall be rounded. In combination with the mounding, plantings shall be provided such that the plantings and mounding will achieve a combined minimum height of six (6) feet above surrounding contours, and a minimum opacity of one-hundred (100) percent in the summer and seventy-five (75) percent in winter, within three (3) years of planting. Naturally occurring buffer areas, such as wood lots, may be preserved and utilized in lieu of all or part of the preceding requirements, and alternative screening and buffering improvements may be approved by the Planning Commission as part of the site plan review process.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)