A landscape strip shall be provided along the full width of a lot along the right-of-way in the PC and PI Districts. (See Attachment A-3 (PC and PI District R-O-W Landscaping Requirements).
(a) For lots in the PC and PI Districts having a front lot line that adjoins a non-limited access state/federal highway or a road with a boulevard, the width of this landscape strip shall not be less than twenty-five (25) feet measured from the right-of-way line away from the street.
(b) For lots in the PC and PI Districts having a front lot line that does not adjoin a state/federal highway or a road with a boulevard, the width of this landscape strip shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet measured from the right-of-way line away from the street.
(c) Within such landscape strip, the area shall be unoccupied except for the landscape treatment, signage, steps, walks, terraces, driveways (generally perpendicular to right-of-way), lights, and other similar structures.
(d) Earth mounding with slopes not to exceed a three (3) to one (1) ratio is required in this area, provided the design does not interfere with adequate sight distances at public road or driveway intersections.
(e) Within the landscape strip, at least three (3), two and one-half (2-½) inch caliber deciduous or three (3), six (6) foot high evergreen trees shall be planted for each one hundred (100) feet of property frontage (or fraction thereof) along with random shrub plantings, plots of ground cover or other landscape treatments. To complement planned landscape treatments in the adjacent public right-of-way, deciduous plant materials in the landscape strip shall include species only from the following list:
(1) Homestead Elm (Ulmus Carpinifoloa “Homestead”)
(2) Pioneer Elm (Ulmus Carpinifoloa “Pioneer”)
(3) Frontier Elm (Ulmus Parviogolia “Frontier”)
(4) Athena Elm (Ulmus Parviogolia “Athena Elm”)
(5) Autumn Blaze Maple (Acer Freeman “Jeffers Red”)
(6) Autumn Applause White Ash (Fraxinus Americana “Autumn Applause”)
(7) Cimmaron Green Ash (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica “Cimmaron”).
Evergreen plant materials, shrubs and ground cover may be any variety. The use of decorative stones and rock features may also be included.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)