(a)    Consistent with the objectives established in this Chapter, landscaping shall be provided according to the following standards for the following districts with the new construction of any principal building:
   C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
   C-2 Business Office Commercial
   C-4 Interstate Commercial
   PC Planned Commercial
   PI Planned Industrial
   M-1 Light Industrial
   (b)    Landscaping plans prepared pursuant to this Chapter shall be prepared by a landscape architect, registered in the State of Ohio, when the proposed development involves the construction of a new principal building that is greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size. When landscape plans are prepared for buildings that are ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less in size, the preparation of such plans by landscape architects, landscape designers, landscape contractors, horticulturalists, or Ohio Certified Nursery Technicians registered in the State of Ohio is encouraged.
   (c)    All landscaped areas required by this Ordinance shall include a permanent, artificial watering system to supply water to planting areas.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)