To ensure high-quality development standards are maintained in the “Crossroads of America” site and in other areas where these zoning classifications are applicable, the following signage requirements have been established. Whenever possible, shared signage amongst various businesses or entertainment establishments shall be encouraged. All signs permitted in the PC and PI districts may be externally illuminated as long as the illumination does not adversely affect the general public or adjoining property. All materials and colors selected for signage shall compliment the building’s material and color scheme.
   (a)    Highway Signs: One (1) highway sign is permitted for each main entrance to the site. A main entrance is defined as an access point to the site, which abuts a state or federal highway. The highway sign shall be shared amongst all business/entertainment establishments located on the site. The highway sign may be located on a property when such property is within five hundred (500) feet of a limited access highway if allowed and approved as a special use by the Planning Commission in accordance with Chapter 1112 (Special Use Permits). The maximum height of a highway sign shall be forty (40) feet and the maximum area of the sign shall be eighty (80) square feet. The lighting, materials, location, and orientation of the sign shall be approved as part of the special use. The highway sign may not be located closer to the road right-of-way than twenty (20) feet.
   (b)    Monument Signs: One (1) monument sign is permitted for each business establishment. In the instance where more than one business establishment shares the same building, only one monument sign is permitted. If illuminated, monument signs must be illuminated from an external light source and shall not be located closer than five (5) feet from the road right-of-way. The sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, including any structural materials or fixtures used to support the sign, unless such sign is located along “The Parkway”, in which case, the sign’s height may be increased to eight (8) feet. The total sign area shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet.
   (c)    Wall Signs: One wall sign shall be permitted for each business establishment, and placed only on a wall that is parallel to a public right-of-way or in direct view of public circulation. The wall sign may be attached to, or painted on, a wall surface of any building or structure and shall not occupy more than twenty (20) percent of the wall’s area, of which such sign is a part.
      (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)