In order to classify, regulate, and restrict the location of trades, residences, recreation, and other uses, and the buildings designed for special uses, to regulate and limit the height, bulk, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, hereafter erected or altered, to regulate and limit the percentage of lot area which may be occupied, setback building lines, size of yards, courts, and open spaces within the buildings and surrounding such buildings, and the density of population, the territory within the City of Rossford is hereby divided into Zoning Districts as follows:
A Agricultural District
This District provides areas for plant cultivation, greenhouses, and other related agricultural activities. This District can also be used as a "holding" district. In this fashion, Agricultural zoning would remain until urban development becomes appropriate. At that time, zoning to accommodate urban or suburban densities of use can be considered which are consistent with the adopted community plans.
P Public Lands  
This District is designed to classify publicly-owned uses and permits the normal principal and incidental uses required to carry out governmental functions and services. It is the intent of the Public Land District to encourage the development of attractive public spaces which are conducive to community interaction, including innovative parking arrangements, combinations of permitted uses, and rehabilitation of existing structures.
R-1A Single Family Residential District  This District provides areas for single-family dwellings at a density of 14.52 units per acre. Lots are characterized by traditional-style widths of thirty feet and shallow side and rear yard setbacks.
R-1B Single Family Residential District  This District provides areas for single-family dwellings at a density of 7.26 units per acre. Lots are characterized by widths of sixty feet and moderate side and rear yard setbacks.
R-1C Single Family Residential District  This District provides areas for single-family dwellings at a density of 4.84 units per acre. Lots are characterized by widths of sixty feet, large side yard setbacks and moderate rear yard setbacks.
R-2 Residential District This District provides areas for single-family and two-family dwellings. Conventional lots are allowed a density of 3.63 units per acre and are characterized by widths of 80 feet, ample side yard setbacks, and moderate rear yard setbacks. Zero-lot line lots are allowed a density of 7.26 units per acre and are characterized by widths of 40 feet, ample side yard setbacks, and moderate rear yard setbacks. The minimum dwelling area required in this district is reduced for units containing less than three bedrooms.
R-3 Residential District  This District provides areas for multi-family dwellings and also conditionally permits nursing homes and congregate housing. Lots are allowed a density of 8 units per acre and are characterized by ample total setbacks and moderate rear yard setbacks.
MHP Manufactured Home Park District  The MHP Manufactured Home Park District is hereby created to provide for the suitable location for manufactured home parks.
PUD Planned Unit Development District
The purpose of the Planned Unit Development District (PUD) is to achieve, to the greatest possible degree, land development that encourages imaginative design of development and is responsive to the physical assets and liabilities of a given site. The PUD should be a well integrated development in terms of major design elements such as roads, drainage systems, utilities, and open space. The PUD allows greater design flexibility so that natural features may be protected and development can be planned in an innovative and efficient manner.
   C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
Uses in this District are to provide goods and services to an immediate residential neighborhood. Goods and services are to be oriented to daily or weekly needs and are not to include activities characterized by major purchase items or goods or services which are oriented to a City-wide or highway-attracted clientele.
   C-2 Business Office District
This District is designed to allow general commercial office activities in areas of high accessibility and serving the general public; as well as certain semi-public uses which have been deemed compatible therewith.
   C-3 Core Business District
The purpose of this District is to lawfully characterize and protect downtown Rossford from inappropriate development that would harm the character and history of the district. There will be only one C-3 District. The uses permitted hereunder have been designed with the primary intention of legitimizing existing uses so that their continued operation and compatibility might be preserved.
   C-4 Interstate and General Commercial District
Uses in this District are to provide areas for services required primarily by the transient motoring public. This District will be closely associated with major interchange areas along limited access highways and major thoroughfares in the City.
   PC Planned Commercial District
The Planned Commercial District (PC) is developed to apply to the “Crossroads of America” area and other premier development sites in the City of Rossford. This District is created to achieve, to the greatest possible degree, land development that is responsive to the natural and environmental assets of a site, and to encourage imaginative and innovative site planning and arrangement of compatible commercial and related land uses. Development in this District will provide for the convergence of commercial and office uses developed in a park-like setting with excellent architectural design.
   M-1 Light Industry District
This District permits manufacture, assembly, storage or transfer activities whose nature of operation produces a minimum of noise, odor, dust, and smoke. The district is also associated with little outside storage or assembly, and typically is of low density usage.
   M-2 Heavy Industry District
This District permits general heavy manufacturing and assembly activities.
   PI Planned Industrial District
The PI Planned Industrial District is developed to apply to the “Crossroads of America" area and other premier development sites in the City of Rossford. This District is created to achieve, to the greatest possible degree, land development that is responsive to the natural and environmental assets of a site, and to encourage imaginative and innovative site planning and arrangement of compatible industrial and related land uses. Development in this District will provide for the convergence of industrial, office and limited commercial uses developed in a park-like setting with excellent architectural design.
   DRO Design Review Overlay District
The purposes for the Design Review Overlay District Ordinance are to establish procedures whereby sites in the Design Review Overlay District are afforded protection from actions that would be detrimental to preserving established historic and cultural resources in the community, impair the successful functioning of the community, create appearance-related nuisances or constitute a blighting influence on nearby property, and to pursue the following objectives:
   (a)    Establish a Design Review Commission to review, regulate, and encourage designs of buildings, structures, and spaces in relationship to specified areas of the community;
   (b)    Identify historic, architectural, and cultural resources through a building inventory using Ohio Historic Inventory Forms provided by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and adoption of these by Council as Locally Significant Resources;
   (c)    Encourage the development, alteration, improvement, and maintenance of the distinctive character and architectural design of Locally Significant Resources in the District in accordance with adopted design criteria;
   (d)    Safeguard the architectural integrity and to foster and encourage preservation or adaptive use of vacant or underutilized Locally Significant Resources and other architectural features in the District;
   (e)    Seek alternatives to demolition or incompatible alterations within the District before such acts are performed;
   (f)    Ensure the architectural compatibility of construction of new in-fill structures within the District
   (g)    Contribute to the economic, cultural, and educational development by:
      (1)    Protecting and enhancing the safety and comfort of the City of Rossford’s attractions to existing and prospective residents, businesses, and tourists;
      (2)    Making the City of Rossford a more attractive and desirable place in which to live and work;
      (3)    Providing support and stimulus to business and industry;
      (4)    Strengthening the economy of the City of Rossford by creating new job opportunity and stabilizing, maintaining, and improving real estate values;
      (5)    Facilitating reinvestment in and revitalization of the Design Review Overlay District.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)