As part of the request for PUD approval, a Preliminary Plan and proposed Development Standards Text must be submitted to the Planning Commission.
   (a)    The Preliminary Plan is a conceptual plan submitted at the time of a formal request for PUD approval and rezoning. The Preliminary Plan must contain the following elements:
      (1)    A topographic map of the site and adjacent property showing existing natural features including wooded areas and major trees. A description of how the proposed development was planned to utilize the existing site, identifying charges to the existing site grading and noting major trees that will be removed as part of the proposed development.
      (2)    A schematic plan showing the general development of the tract, location of existing and proposed structures, parking lot layout and other development features including the location of all out parcels.
      (3)    An engineering feasibility statement in sufficient detail to indicate how the proposed development will be serviced with water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage facilities.
      (4)    The proposed traffic circulation pattern showing public and private streets and other transportation facilities, including major pedestrian routes, with evidence through a traffic study that the proposed development will not adversely impact existing transportation facilities.
      (5)    A conceptual landscaping plan.
      (6)    A proposed schedule or phasing of development of the site.
      (7)    Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land to accomplish proposed and required land improvements.
      (8)    Name and address of the owner (owners) of record, developer, and the seal of the architect who prepared the plan.
      (9)    Names and addresses of all owners of record of abutting parcels and those within three hundred (300) feet of the property line.
      (10)    Any additional information required by the Planning Commission necessary to determine that the proposed development meets the intent and purposes of the PUD District.
   (b)    A Development Standards Text shall be submitted as part of the Preliminary Plan and shall describe the proposed development standards. Development standards include, but are not limited to, restrictions on land uses permitted Chapter 1132 (Permitted and Special Land Uses), maximum lot coverage, building setbacks, landscaping requirements, signage limitations, access control measures, etc. Unless specifically modified by the Development Standards Text, the standards established by this Chapter, or the most applicable zoning district shall apply.
   (c)    In addition to the above, the Planning Commission may require additional information, including environmental impact studies and archaeological surveys prepared by appropriate professionals to document the impacts of the development and to address potential mitigation measures. The applicant shall be responsible for reasonable expenses incurred by the City in reviewing final development plans. Such expenses are beyond application fees established by the City and may include professional service fees such as legal expenses or fees from other professionals, such as engineers, architects, landscape architects, planners, or environmental scientists incurred in connection with reviewing the plans submitted.
      (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)