A site plan shall include the following data, details, and supporting plans. The number of pages submitted will depend on the proposal's size and complexity. Items required for submission include:
   (a)    Name of the project, boundaries, existing zoning on the site and within one hundred (100) feet of the site, and location maps showing the site's location in the City, date, north arrow, and scale of the plan.
   (b)    Name and address of the owner of record, developer, and seal of the professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect, registered in the State of Ohio, who prepared the site plan.
   (c)    All existing lot lines, easements, rights-of-way and 100-year flood plain boundaries. Include area in acres or square feet, a description of abutting land uses, and the location and use of structures within one-hundred (100) feet of the site.
   (d)    The location and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures within the development including building footprints, overhangs, site coverage, building- ground contact, and area. A brief description of the use of the site shall be included with an estimate of the number of employees.
   (e)    All dimensions of height and floor area showing all exterior entrances and all anticipated future additions and alterations of all buildings.
   (f)    Illustrations of traffic movement, ingress and egress, and the location and dimensions of all present and proposed public and private drives, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, fences, paths, landscaping, walls, and fences. Traffic flow patterns curb cuts within one hundred (100) feet of the site shall also be shown. Provide calculations for required parking.
   (g)    Lighting plan showing the location, height, intensity, and bulb type (e.g., fluorescent, sodium, incandescent) of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown.
   (h)    The location, height, size, materials, and design of all proposed signage (see Chapter 1137 (Sign Regulations)).
   (i)    A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features, trees, forest cover, and water resources, and all proposed changes to these features including size and type of plant material. Water resources will include ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, flood plains, and drainage retention areas.
   (j)    For new construction or alterations to any existing building, a table containing the following information must be included:
      (1)    Area of building to be used for a particular use such as retail operation, office, storage, etc.
      (2)    Maximum number of employees.
      (3)    Maximum seating capacity, where applicable.
      (4)    Number of parking spaces existing and required for the intended use.
   (k)    Elevation plans at a scale of one-quarter (1/4) inch equals one (1) foot for all exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or existing facades, and addition(s) showing design features and type and color of materials to be used.
   (l)    The location of all present and proposed utility systems including: sewage or septic systems, water supply system, telephone, cable and electrical systems, and storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, end-walls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage swales.
   (m)    Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or ground water, excessive runoff, excessive raising or lowering of the watertable, and flooding of other properties, as applicable. A copy of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Storm Water General Permit and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) for control of erosion of soil both during and after construction shall be provided for all sites greater than one (1) acre or where the site is part of a larger plan of development or sale.
   (n)    Existing and proposed topography at a one (1) foot contour interval. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic Bench Mark.
   (o)    Applicable fire prevention improvements, spaces, fire lanes, suppression systems, etc. (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)