(a)    Submission. Written application for a Certificate of Appropriateness may be submitted separately or in conjunction with a Zoning Permit application. In order to meet staff review and notice provision requirements, all applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be made at least twenty (20) days before a scheduled Design Review Commission meeting.
   (b)    Contents. Blank applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be available at the City offices. Whether the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is separate or in conjunction with a Zoning Permit application, the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be accompanied by the information, drawings, and materials required by Section 1102.02(b) (Contents of Applications for a Zoning Permit). Such application shall also contain the following specific information:
      (1)    Address of the property for which the Certificate of Appropriateness is being requested.
      (2)    The name, mailing address, and phone number for the property owner and any tenant which occupies the structure.
      (3)    Two color photographs of the present facade of each exterior wall of the building or structure which is proposed to be altered or changed, including fences, signs, and satellite dishes, or other visible exterior improvements (Photographs must be of an adequate size, detail, and clarity for reasonable review and use by the Design Review Commission).
      (4)    A narrative which clearly describes the proposed activity subject to Design Review Commission review.
      (5)    Plans of the location and dimensions of the proposed changes or alterations to the proposed building(s) or alteration drawn as near as possible to scale and easily understandable, with said sketches to include structural changes, all windows and doorways, roof lines, fences, signs, awnings, balconies, shutters, satellite dishes and/or other visible exterior improvements; and
      (6)    A description of the proposed colors, proposed materials to be used, and all related information fully describing the proposed modifications and additions.
      (7)    Fee. If submitted separately from a Zoning Permit application, no application for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be deemed complete unless accompanied by the proper fee established by Council by separate ordinance.
   (c)    Determination of Completeness. Upon receipt of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Zoning Inspector shall make a determination that the application is complete and process the application in accordance with Section 1102.02(c) (Determination that Application is Complete). The applicant shall be informed of any omissions to the application. The determination that an application is "complete" shall be noted on the face of the application by the Zoning Inspector.
   (d)    Scheduling Administrative Hearing. Upon a determination that the application is complete, the Zoning Inspector shall confirm with the Design Review Commission Chairman the date the application will be heard by the Design Review Commission, which may be at the next regularly scheduled meeting or a special meeting of the Commission pursuant to Section 1104.02(h)(3) (Frequency). (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)