The Design Review Commission shall not have the power to take any action, or supersede any action, authorized to be taken by any other body or officer of the City by the Codified Ordinances of the City. The Commission is charged with the following duties and responsibilities:
   (a)    Training and Continuing Education.
      (1)    All members of the Design Review Commission shall be provided with a copy of, and be completely familiar with, the “The Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings” by Morton, Hume, Weeks and Jandl (United States, National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division, 1991, as reprinted in 1997). These copies shall remain the property of the City of Rossford and shall be returned to the City when a term has been fulfilled or a resignation is tendered.
      (2)    All Members shall make diligent attempts to attend educational sessions when available and to share information with other Design Review Commission members in order to increase knowledge of architectural design and preservation issues. Members are encouraged to establish a network of technical experts and confer, as may be required, to better evaluate a Locally Significant Resource or render a judgment on a Certificate of Appropriateness.
      (3)    In the interest of enhancing public confidence in the Certificate of Appropriateness application process, the Design Review Commission may recommend the inclusion of funds in the annual City budget for preservation reference materials, for continuing education courses for Commission members, and for other preservation-related activities.
   (b)    Locally Significant Resource Inventory.
      (1)    The Design Review Commission shall establish and maintain an inventory of all sites in the Design Review District, by conducting, at least every ten (10) years, surveys of all exterior facades visible from the street. For each property within the District, this inventory shall consist of a completed Ohio Historic Inventory Form, a Facade Condition Survey Form and a recent photograph of each structure. All Locally Significant Resources, as defined herein and duly designated by Council, shall be identified in the inventory. A copy of this inventory shall be kept in the Municipal Building and be available for review by the public.
      (2)    The Design Review Commission, on its own or at the request of a building owner, may recommend to Council that the designation of Locally Significant Resource be assigned to each building within the Design Review District that meets the criteria in the definition of a Locally Significant Resource. W hen necessary, the Commission may also recommend that a designation of Locally Significant Resource be rescinded. Council may act upon such recommendations by resolution.
      (3)    The Design Review Commission may conduct and maintain a continuing survey of resources of local significance in the community, including buildings, structures, sites, objects and areas of architectural, historic, cultural, archeological, or aesthetic interest;
   (c)    Certificate of Appropriateness Review.
      (1)    It shall be the responsibility of the Design Review Commission to conduct an administrative hearing to hear, review, and evaluate the design and planning proposed in all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for each structure proposed for new construction, renovation, expansion, overall development, or demolition on a site located within any of the established design review districts.
      (2)    The Design Review Commission, in performance of its duties, shall be empowered to approve or prescribe modification of the proposed architectural design or site planning in the application, or may deny approval as may be appropriate to assure the proposed development complies with the design standards developed for the districts.
   (d)    Advocacy. On behalf of the City, the Design Review Commission shall:
      (1)    Work for the continuing education of the residents of the City, with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the City and the identification and preservation of Locally Significant Resources in the designated Design Review Overlay District;
      (2)    Act as a municipal liaison to individuals and organizations regarding the protection and restoration of local Locally Significant Resources;
      (3)    Encourage and assist building owners with procedures for seeking Federal National Register designation;
      (4)    Assist the City, business owners, and residents in the application for grants and other financing available for the preservation of Locally Significant Resources.
   (e)    Advisory Role. The Design Review Commission may act in an advisory role to City officers, departments, committees, commissions, or boards where the action or inaction taken by the aforementioned entities may affect the preservation of Locally Significant Resources. In this capacity, the Commission may:
      (1)    Act in an advisory role to City officials in the updating of the City's Master Plan;
      (2)    Recommend to City Council any additions or revisions to the Design Review Overlay District Ordinance deemed necessary or for the inclusion of properties to the Design Review District;
      (3)    Evaluate and comment upon decisions by other municipal agencies which affect the physical development and land use patterns with regard to historic or architecturally significant structures and the aesthetic compatibility of buildings within the Design Review Overlay District.
      (4)    Make recommendations to Council concerning the utilization of available grants from Federal and State Agencies, private groups, individuals and the utilization of budgetary appropriations to promote the preservation of Locally Significant Resources within the District;
      (5)    Make streetscape recommendations to City Council regarding public amenities within any designated Design Review Overlay District, including paving of streets and sidewalks, placement and design of streetlights, street furniture, and signage in the public right-of-way.
         (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)