(a)    Posting of Bond for Rental.
      (1)    Any sponsor, group or organization applying for use of any City-owned baseball field for any baseball game or games shall secure a permit therefor from the Recreation Director.
      (2)    Except as provided herein, no such permit shall be given unless there is posted a five hundred dollar ($500.00) cash or surety bond, with the City as obligee. Such bond shall be posted no later than five days prior to the commencement of such game or the first of such games. The bond shall protect against loss or damage to the field, dugouts, bleachers and surrounding area, and including the cost of labor, lights, equipment charges, if any, and clean-up. The posting of such bond shall not be construed as a limitation upon such loss, damage and expense, but the sponsor, group and/or organization shall be liable for the full amount thereof.
      (3)    If a bond is posted prior to the commencement of a series of games, no further bond need be posted during the season unless loss, damage and expense occurs which reduces the coverage provided, in which event an additional bond or bonds shall be posted to bring the coverage up to a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
      (4)    No such bond need be posted for games organized and sponsored by the Recreation Department.
      (5)    The posting of such bond may be waived by the Recreation Director, in his or her discretion, where the sponsor, group or organization is an established organization in the City, owns a club house or real estate in the City and has a regular dues-paying membership of at least fifty persons; provided that the waiver of bond shall not relieve such organization of paying the cost of such loss, damage and expenses.
      (6)    If a cash bond is posted, the same shall be returned to the sponsor, group or organization at the conclusion of the game or games and after reasonable deduction for any loss, damage and expense, if any.
   (b)    General Ball Diamond Regulations.
      (1)    The Recreation Director shall authorize games scheduling within the following criteria: games shall not be permitted to begin earlier than 9:00 a.m. nor later than 9:30 p.m. Innings shall not be permitted to begin after 10:45 p.m. Games in progress will be stopped at 11:15. Lights will be terminated at 11:30 p.m.
      (2)    Public address systems shall not be permitted after 10:00 p.m.
      (3)    The sponsor, group and/or organization shall be liable for all loss, damage and expense.
      (4)    The sponsor, group and/or organization shall be responsible for the behavior of the participating teams.
      (5)    The sponsor, group and/or organization shall be responsible for clean-up of bleachers, parking lots and restroom areas and for any litter resulting from tournament participants and spectators.
      (6)    No gasoline or other flammable liquid shall be used as a drying agent for ball fields.
      (7)    No tournament play shall take place after Labor Day.
      (8)    Any bond posted hereunder shall be forfeited as a result of the failure to comply with any of the regulations provided in this chapter, to the extent of any loss, damage or cost occasioned thereby, and shall result in the loss of the use of City ball parks.
         (Ord. 1464. Passed 12-14-81.)