Ord. No.   Date   Description
528   3-13-61   Accepts annexation application of Donald A. Gibel et al. for a parcel comprising parts of River Tracts 76 and 77.
582   11-23-64   Authorizes annexation of 15.05 acres, being part of River Tract 77.
863   12-4-72   Accepts application to annex part of Section 26, Town 3, United States Reserve, Perrysburg Township, Wood County, Ohio.
872   1-22-73   Accepts application to annex territory in Perrysburg Township from Hugh M. Moore.
873   2-12-73   Accepts application to annex part of Section 23, Town 3, United States Reserve, Perrysburg Township, Wood County, Ohio.
1405   9-8-80   Accepts annexation application of S.A.S. Associates for 3 parcels of land in Perrysburg Township.
1590   9-12-83   Accepts annexation application of Mary K. Billa and Tramco for a parcel of land in Perrysburg Township containing 0.281 and 1.796 acres respectively.
93-050   9-13-93   Accepts annexation application of John Baumgartner for 5.807 acres.
94-026   7-11-94   Accepts annexation application of William C. Caughey for 662.06 acres.
97-024   4-28-97   Accepts annexation application filed by Huber O. Brimacombe, agent on behalf of owners and petitioners as required by Ohio R.C. 709.04 and 709.06.
98-039   9-14-98   Accepts annexation application filed by D.I. Grueshaber, et al. for 51.0736 acres.
99-002   1-25-99   Accepts annexation application filed by J., E.J. and M.A. Sujkowski for 8.31442 acres.
99-013   3-8-99   Accepts annexation application filed by Rossford Economic Growth Corp. for 5 acres.
99-022   4-26-99   Accepts annexation application filed by American Title Agency, Inc., trustee, for 10 acres.
99-032   6-14-99   Accepts annexation application filed by N.J. Busch and D.L. Dohr for 158.146 acres.
99-039   7-12-99   Accepts annexation application of 11.123 acres from Veluscek, Heban and Yoder, owner and petitioner.
99-078   12-13-99   Accepts annexation application of 25.6157 acres from Tykamo Ltd., owner and petitioner.
00-01   1-24-00   Accepts annexation application of 2.39567 acres from David P. Miller, et al., owners and petitioners.
00-09   3-13-00   Accepts annexation application of 137.584 acres from Marjorie Croop et al., owners and petitioners.
00-10   3-13-00   Accepts annexation application of 71.9688 acres from Glenn C. Wenz, et al., owners and petitioners.
01-18   4-9-01   Accepts application for annexation filed by owners and petitioners Toledo Metal Spinning Co.
2001-40   8-13-01   Accepts application for annexation filed by owners and petitioners Phebe McCarty, et al., for 78.9070 acres.
2001-42   8-13-01   Accepts application for annexation filed by owner and petitioner Rossford Arena Amphitheater Authority for 0.900 acres.
2001-71   11-13-01   Accepts application for annexation filed by owners and petitioners Deborah Deushle, et al., for 2.000 acres.
2001-172   11-13-01   Accepts application for annexation filed by owners and petitioners George Kachmarik, et al., for 1.180 acres.
2004-17   4-12-04   Accepts application for annexation of 45.0871 acres to City; Rossford Exempted Village Bd. of Education, petitioner.
2009-33   9-14-09   Accepts application for annexation filed by the Board of Education of the Rossford Exempted Schools for 35.40 acres.
2016-01   2-8-16      Accepting the application for annexation filed by petitioners/ owners Carol Brossia Stephens, successor trustee; J. Scott Fuller; Jim P. Fuller; Robin E. Fuller; Matthew J. Warton; Charles F. Rinker; and the Ohio Turnpike Commission, as required by the Ohio Revised Code for twelve parcels containing a total of 143.543 acres.
2021-38   8-9-21      Determining to change the boundary line between the City of Rossford and the City of Northwood, at Rinker Point Industrial Subdivision.