A.   Application: An application for stormwater management plan approval, along with the proposed stormwater management plan and grading plan, shall be filed with the city engineer and shall include a statement indicating the grounds upon which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted by right or as an exception in the underlying zoning district, and adequate evidence showing that the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this chapter. Prior to applying for approval of a stormwater management plan, an applicant may have the stormwater management and grading plans reviewed by the appropriate departments of the city.
The applicant shall submit five (5) sets of clearly legible blue or black lined copies of all drawings on bond paper upon request by the City. Required information shall be submitted to the city engineer and shall be accompanied by a receipt from the finance department evidencing the payment of all required fees for processing and approval as set forth in section 10-1-9 of this chapter, and security when required by subsection 10-1-8D of this chapter in the amount to be calculated in accordance with that subsection.
Stormwater management and grading plan drawings shall be prepared to a scale appropriate to the site of the project and suitable for the review to be performed. At a minimum the scale shall be one to six hundred (1:600) (1 inch = 50 feet). Drawing sheets shall be twenty-two by thirty-four inches (22 x 34").
   B.   Stormwater Management Plan: At a minimum, the stormwater management plan shall contain the following:
      1.   Existing Site Map: A map of existing site conditions showing the site and immediately adjacent areas within two hundred feet (200'), and including:
         a.   The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and emails of the applicant, owner, developer, surveyor, engineer and contact person.
         b.   The section, township and range, north point oriented either up or to the right, date and scale of drawing and number of sheets.
         c.   Plat names and block, lot and outlot boundaries for adjacent platted property and full property identification numbers for adjacent unplatted property.
         d.   Location of the tract by an insert map at a scale sufficient to clearly identify the location of the property and giving such information as the names and numbers of adjoining roads, railroads, utilities, subdivisions, towns and districts or other landmarks.
         e.   Location and indication of demolition, relocation, or abandonment of existing structures, driveways, septic systems, alternate septic systems and wells.
         f.   Existing underground and overhead utilities, easements and rights of way.
         g.   Existing topography with a contour interval appropriate to the topography of the land but in no case having a contour interval greater than two feet (2').
         h.   Existing topographic contours extending beyond the site two hundred feet (200') or enough to completely show the limits of drainage basins not fully contained within the proposed plat limits.
         i.   A delineation of all streams, rivers, ponds, public waters and wetlands located on and immediately adjacent to the site, including depth of water, a statement of general water quality and any classification given to the water body or wetland by the Minnesota department of natural resources (include MNDNR number and ordinary high water level), the Minnesota pollution control agency, the U.S. fish and wildlife service, and/or the United States army corps of engineers.
         j.   The city's most recent stormwater management plan district number along with normal and high water levels for ponds.
         k.   Location and dimensions of existing stormwater drainage systems and natural drainage patterns on and immediately adjacent to the site delineating in which direction and at what rate stormwater is conveyed from the site, identifying the receiving stream, river, public water, or wetland, and setting forth those areas of the unaltered site where stormwater collects.
         l.   A description of the soils of the site, including a map indicating soil types of areas to be disturbed as well as a soil report containing information on the suitability of the soils for the type of development proposed and for the type of sewage disposal proposed and for stormwater infiltration and describing any remedial steps to be taken by the developer to render the soils suitable.
         m.   Vegetative cover such as brush, grass and trees, including tree diameters, and clearly delineating any vegetation proposed for removal.
         n.   The 10-year and 100-year floodplains, flood fringes and floodways.
      2.   Site Grading Plan: Drawings shall be prepared to a scale appropriate to the site of the project and suitable for the review to be performed. At a minimum the scale shall be one to six hundred (1:600) (1 inch = 50 feet). Drawing sheets shall be twenty-two by thirty-four inches (22 x 34"). A site grading plan shall include:
         a.   The section, township and range, north point oriented either up or to the right, date, revision number, scale of drawing and number of sheets.
         b.   Signature and Minnesota license number of the professional land surveyor or professional engineer under whose supervision the plan was prepared.
         c.   Proposed septic systems, alternative septic systems and wells.
         d.   Locations and dimensions of all proposed land disturbing activities and any phasing of those activities.
         e.   Locations and dimensions of all temporary soil or dirt stockpiles.
         f.   Existing topography with a contour interval appropriate to the topography of the land but in no case having a contour interval greater than two feet (2').
         g.   Existing topographic contours extending beyond the site two hundred feet (200') or enough to completely show the limits of drainage basins not fully contained within the proposed plat limits.
         h.   Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided above or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features.
         i.   All lot corner elevations and bench marks utilized.
         j.   The proposed footprint and intended use of any structures or driveways to be constructed on the site.
         k.   A delineation of all streams, rivers, ponds, public waters and wetlands located on and immediately adjacent to the site, including depth of water, a statement of general water quality and any classification given to the water body or wetland by the Minnesota department of natural resources (include MNDNR number and ordinary high water level), the Minnesota pollution control agency, the U.S. fish and wildlife service, and/or the United States army corps of engineers.
         l.   The city's most recent stormwater management plan district number along with pond storage volume and normal and high water levels for ponds.
         m.   Emergency overflow routes from all low points, elevation of high point along overflow route and directional flow arrows.
         n.   A drainage plan of the developed site delineating 10-year and 100-year design drainage area/watershed and hydrologic/hydraulic calculations verifying location and capacity of all overland drainage routes.
         o.   Access routes for maintenance to all inlets, outlets, manholes, and lift stations at ponding areas proposed.
         p.   A clear delineation and tabulation of all areas which shall be paved or surfaced, including a description of the surfacing material to be used.
         q.   A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and description of all proposed landscape materials which will be added to the site as part of the development.
         r.   Any other information pertinent to the particular project which in the opinion of the applicant or the city engineer is necessary for the review of the project.
         s.   Within thirty (30) days after completion of site development as per the approved grading plan, and prior to the approval of individual building permits, the developer shall provide the city with an as built grading plan.
      3.   Erosion And Sediment Control Plans: At a minimum, a separate erosion control plan is required that will accompany the grading plan. No land shall be disturbed until the plan is approved by the city engineer and conforms to the standards set forth herein. All plans shall be consistent with national pollutant discharge elimination permits (NPDES construction general permit and MS4 permit) requirements, Rosemount engineering guidelines, the Rosemount comprehensive surface water management plan, Rosemount spec and detail plates, and the filing or approval requirements of relevant watershed districts, watershed management organizations, ditch authorities, soil and water conservation districts, or other regulatory bodies.
         a.   The erosion and sediment control plan shall include the following:
            (1)   A project description of the nature and purpose of the land disturbing activity and the amount of grading involved.
            (2)   All existing site conditions, including existing soils, topography, vegetation (including size and type cover), natural resources and drainage.
            (3)   All critical erosion areas for areas on the site that have potential for serious erosion problems.
            (4)   A description of how the site will be stabilized after construction is completed, including specifications.
            (5)   A schedule of regular inspections and repair of erosion and sediment control structures.
            (6)   A project schedule describing the projected time line for completion of all site activities and the sequence of construction of the development site, including stripping and clearing; rough grading; construction of utilities, infrastructure, and buildings; and final grading and landscaping. Sequencing shall identify the expected date on which clearing will begin, phasing of clearing or grading, the estimated duration of exposure of cleared areas, areas of clearing, installation of temporary erosion and sediment control measures, and establishment of permanent vegetation.
            (7)   All erosion and sediment control measures necessary to meet the objectives of this local regulation and state and federal regulations throughout all phases of construction and after completion of development of the site. Depending upon the complexity of the project, the drafting of intermediate plans may be required at the close of each season. All of the following requirements shall be adhered to during the construction of the site:
               (A)    Stabilize all soils and soil stockpiles within the shortest feasible period of time, and according to the time lines established in NPDES permits.
               (B)   Prevent sediment damage to adjacent properties and other designated areas.
               (C)   Develop land in increments of workable sizes so that adequate erosion and sediment controls can be provided as construction progresses.
               (D)   Coordinate erosion and sediment control measures with the different stages of construction. Install appropriate control measures prior to development when necessary to control erosion.
               (E)   Engineer the construction of steep slopes.
               (F)    Use of temporary sediment basins is encouraged when construction projects will impact steep slopes or when highly erodible soils are present. Temporary sediment basins must be designed according to NPDES permit requirements.
               (G)   Protect storm sewers and paved roads from the entrance of sediment.
               (H)   Manage solid and hazardous wastes on site and properly dispose of wastes.
               (I)   When working in or crossing water bodies, take precautions to contain sediment.
               (J)   Ensure that a trained person will regularly inspect the construction site, according to the time lines established in NPDES permits.
               (K)   Maintain all temporary or permanent erosion and sediment control practices, according to the time lines established in NPDES permits.
               (L)   Establish permanent cover upon completion of the construction activity.
               (M)   Dispose of temporary erosion and sediment control measures following final stabilization.
               (N)   Seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures. Required specifications are detailed in the city of Rosemount general specifications and engineering guidelines.
               (O)   Use methods of dewatering to reduce the discharge of turbid or sediment laden waters and prevent nuisance conditions.
               (P)   Use methods to manage solid and hazardous wastes, and limit the exposure of stormwater to any products, materials, and wastes and to prevent the contamination of stormwater.
      4.   Notwithstanding those items listed for inclusion in the Stormwater Management Plan above, all projects must show conformance with plans, policies, regulations, and procedures incorporated by reference in section 10-1-6 of this chapter.
      5.   Stormwater Management For Permanent Facilities: Stormwater control facilities included as part of the final design for a permanent development shall be addressed in section 10-1-13 of this chapter. Postconstruction stormwater management BMPs must be submitted to the city for review and approval before construction activity may begin.
      6.   Waiver: Any or all of the above plan requirements in this subsection B may be waived by the city engineer. (Ord. 2015-01, 2-17-2015; amd. Ord. 2023-05, 10-3-2023)