A. Use Required, Description:
1. Tightly Closed Containers: All solid waste and recyclables accumulating between the times of collection shall be placed in tightly closed containers specifically designed for such purpose.
a. Exceptions:
(1) All composting must occur in a container constructed of wood, wire mesh, concrete block, or a combination thereof, or in a commercially available compost bin designated for composting organic waste.
(2) Yard waste may be composted or placed in bags designed for such purposes.
2. Placement; Enclosure: All waste containers shall be kept in an enclosure that meets the requirements of subsection A3 of this section, until the day of scheduled pick up.
a. Placement: Waste containers may be placed at the curb for collection the evening before the scheduled day of collection and must be removed from the curb area and stored as required on the evening of the day of collection.
b. Exception: This section shall not apply to waste containers set out by the city for public use. Nor does it apply to the placement of composting containers on residential properties.
3. Enclosure Criteria: Enclosures shall meet the following criteria:
a. Screening: All residential structures with more than two (2) units, and all commercial, industrial, and institutional uses shall provide a screened enclosure for required waste containers for solid waste, recyclables, and yard waste. Such enclosures shall completely conceal stored waste containers from all sides and be designed in such a manner as to contain any spillage from the containers.
b. Single And Double Residential Dwellings: Single and double residential dwellings shall store waste containers inside of a garage, or in a side or rear yard behind the front line of the house until they are placed for collection as provided in this chapter.
c. Materials:
(1) In all new construction, enclosure materials shall be similar to the principal building.
(2) Existing properties may use such materials as wooden fencing, or chainlink with eighty five percent (85%) opacity inserts, but such materials must be maintained to provide a good appearance.
(3) All enclosures shall be constructed in a substantially sound manner of materials that reduce normal deterioration from weathering. The enclosure's construction shall support snow load and wind load as required by the state building code, and all materials shall be properly anchored. Further, all enclosures shall be constructed and maintained in a safe, orderly condition.
(4) Any enclosure which is defaced, deteriorated, improperly maintained or otherwise altered from its original permitted condition shall be repaired or replaced upon written notice by the city.
d. Size: Enclosures shall provide sufficient space for required waste containers for solid waste, recyclables, yard waste, and any other waste container that is intrinsic to the operation of a business on the premises. In no case shall the enclosure exceed six hundred (600) square feet in area.
e. Location:
(1) Enclosures shall be located behind the front building line of the principal building (as extended to the side lot lines).
(2) Enclosures may be integrated into a building if approved by the building official.
(3) Enclosures shall be set back ten feet (10') from the lot line of any abutting residential property.
f. Landscaping: Enclosures shall be landscaped in accordance with city regulations.
g. Flooring: Enclosures shall have flooring constructed of concrete or bituminous material.
h. Access: Enclosures shall provide access that will facilitate efficient storage and removal of waste materials in all seasons.
i. Exceptions:
(1) This section shall not apply to the construction, size, or location of composting containers on residential properties which are covered in chapter 4 of this title.
(2) Waste containers, or pens, on construction sites need not be screened and may be placed on construction sites without an enclosure. However:
(A) The container or pen must be set back five feet (5') from any abutting finished residential or commercial property lot line.
(B) Waste containers and pens on construction sites may not be placed in violation of the twenty five foot (25') sight triangle at intersections.
(3) Developers, builders, or contractors on site are responsible for maintaining the waste container or enclosure at a construction site to prevent trash, refuse, and debris generated by the building project from spilling, blowing, or in any way escaping from the containers or pens required to contain it. (Ord. XVI.59, 12-2-2008; amd. Ord. 2021-02, 1-5-2021)