A.   Intent: It is the intent of this Section to be consistent and no less restrictive than the Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan and the same or similar provisions provided by Section 3.01 and Sections 16.01 through 16.06 of the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management, as may be amended.
   B.   General Disposal Requirements:
      1.   Collection Required: It shall be unlawful for any property owner, business owner, manager, resident, or tenant to fail to dispose of solid waste, recyclables, and yard waste in a sanitary manner at least weekly, with the following exceptions:
         a.   Residential Recycling: Recyclable materials from residential sources where each household has its own recycling container for collection shall be collected by a licensed residential hauler no less frequently than every-other-week;
         b.   Composting: Compostable materials may be composted if such composting meets the standards set forth in Chapter 4 of this title and the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management; and
         c.   Any other exception provided in this Chapter or the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management.
      2.   Compliance with County Ordinance: All property owners, business owners, managers, residents, and tenants shall otherwise comply with the generator requirements listed at Section 3.01 of the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management.
   C.   Multi-Unit Residential Buildings: Property owners of multi-unit residential buildings shall comply with the requirements of Section 16.03(A)(1)-(4) of the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management, as may be amended, which are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this Chapter.
   D.   Trash, Recycling, and Organics Requirements for Large Event Venues: Event sponsors, owners, and operators of large event venues shall comply with the trash, recycling, and organics requirements of Section 16.05 of the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management, as may be amended, which are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this Chapter
   E.   Labeling: Property owners and managers shall comply with the labeling requirements of Section 16.06 of the Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 on Solid Waste Management, as may be amended, which are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this Chapter. (Ord. XVI.59, 12-2-2008; amd. Ord. 2021-02, 1-5-2021)