(A)   Before the adoption by the Planning Board of the plan or any part, amendment, extension, or addition, the Planning Board shall hold at least one public hearing thereon. The Planning Board shall have power to promote public interest in and understanding of the plan and to that end may hold public hearings, publish and distribute copies of the plan or of any report, and may employ any other means of publicity and education as it may determine. Members of the Planning Board, when duly authorized by the Planning Board, may attend city planning conferences or meetings of city planning institutes or hearings upon pending city planning legislation, and the Planning Board may, by resolution spread upon its minutes, pay the reasonable traveling expenses incident to the attendance. All officers and employees of the town shall render reasonable assistance and any information to the Planning Board as may be requested by the Planning Board for its work.
   (B)   The Planning Board shall from time to time, and at least annually, submit reports in writing to the Town Board of Commissioners giving information regarding the condition of the town and any plans or proposals for the development of the town and estimates of the cost thereof, and these reports shall contain any other recommendations as the Planning Board feels should have immediate attention.
(Prior Code, § 2-7027)