General Provisions
   155.001   Purpose
   155.002   Intent
   155.003   Interpretation
   155.004   Application
   155.005   Establishment of districts
   155.006   District boundaries
   155.007   Conformity required
   155.008   Zoning permit and certificate of occupancy
   155.009   Definitions; words and terms
General Regulations
   155.015   Basic requirements for all districts
   155.016   Other required provisions
   155.017   Site area and dimensions; requirements and exceptions 
   155.018   Building height limits
   155.019   Accessory structures
   155.020   Design review
Performance Standards
   155.030   Compliance required
   155.031   Performance standards
   155.032   Administration and enforcement of performance standards
   155.045   UT - Urban Transitional District
   155.046   One-family and Two-Family Residential Districts
   155.047   RM - Multi-Family Residential Districts
   155.048   C - Commercial Districts
   155.049   I - Industrial Districts
   155.050   HC - Health Care District
   155.051   Special districts
   155.052   Master Residential District
   155.053   PUD - Planned Unit Development Overlay District
   155.054   AG - Limited Agricultural District
   155.055   M - Municipal/Public Utility District
   155.056   AB - Institutional/Assembly District
Parking and Loading
   155.065   Parking and loading requirements
   155.066   Definitions
   155.067   Interpretation
   155.068   Proximity
   155.069   Collective usage
   155.070   Design
   155.071   Publicly established parking; off-parcel parking
   155.072   Off-street loading
Outdoor Advertising and Signs
   155.085   Intent
   155.086   Applicability
   155.087   General provisions
   155.088   Sign maintenance
   155.089   Prohibited signs and devices
   155.090   Permitted signs
   155.091   Regulations for permanent signs, including business signs, and other permanent signs
   155.092   Off-premises signs and billboards
   155.093   Portable trailer signs and signboards
   155.094   Exceptions
Screening and Buffering
   155.105   Intent
   155.106   Screening
   155.107   Wall and fence materials
   155.108   Landscape berms and planting strips
   155.109   Distance buffering
   155.110   Required screening for trash areas
   155.111   Vision clearance on corner and alley lots
   155.112   Exceptions and interpretation
   155.113   General plant requirements
   155.114   Barriers for swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs
   155.125   Home occupations
   155.126   Mobile home parks
   155.127   Determination as to uses not listed
Special Uses
   155.140   Purposes and authorization
   155.141   Application and fee
   155.142   Public hearing; notice
   155.143   Public hearing; procedure
   155.144   Findings of fact
   155.145   Action of Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.146   Action of Village Board of Trustees
   155.147   Lapse of special use permit
   155.148   Existing special uses
   155.149   Revocation
   155.150   New application
   155.151   Special use permit to run with the land
   155.152   Special use allowing liquor establishments
Nonconforming Buildings and Uses
   155.165   Continuance of use
   155.166   Discontinuance of use
   155.167   Change or conversion of nonconforming use
   155.168   Termination of removal of nonconforming uses, buildings, and structures in residential districts
   155.169   Repairs and alterations
   155.170   Damage and destruction
   155.171   Additions and enlargements
   155.185   Purposes and authorization
   155.186   Application and fee
   155.187   Public hearing; notice
   155.188   Public hearing; procedure
   155.189   Findings of fact
   155.190   Action of the Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.191   Action of Board of Trustees
   155.192   Lapse of variance
   155.193   Revocation
   155.194   New application
   155.205   Purpose
   155.206   Initiation
   155.207   Application and fee
   155.208   Public hearing; notice
   155.209   Public hearing; procedure
   155.210   Action of Zoning Board
   155.211   Action of Village Board
   155.212   New application
   155.225   Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.226   Appeal of Zoning Administrator’s decision
   155.227   Office of Zoning Administration
   155.228   Appointment
   155.229   Term
   155.230   Removal
   155.231   Compensation
   155.232   Enforcement
   155.233   Zoning map
   Appendix A: Zoning Schedule