The Village recognizes that problems of a personal nature can have a negative effect on an employee's job performance, and the Employee Assistance Program ("EAP") has been established to help deal with these problems. The EAP is designed to deal with a broad range of personal problems such as alcohol or drug abuse, emotional or behavioral disorders, family discord, and other personal problems.
The goals of the EAP are:
A. To identify troubled employees.
B. To motivate them to seek and accept help.
C. To assess their situation and develop a plan of action.
D. To assist them in getting the services they need.
Counseling is confidential in the EAP, although a supeivisor may refer an employee. No records are released to the Village without the employee's consent. Employees who utilize the EAP on their own initiative are assured of confidentiality.
The services of the EAP are available to all full-time employees and their dependents if the dependent is covered by the employee's health insurance coverage. An appointment with an EAP counselor can be arranged by telephone. The telephone number is available in the Human Resources Office.
There is no charge for the initial assessment service. However, if costs are incurred for rehabilitation services that are not covered by insurance, that cost will be the responsibility of the employee.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)