Employees shall be subject to disciplinary action for failing to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. It shall be the policy of the Village to administer disciplinary action uniformly and without discrimination. Disciplinary action may include action up to and including termination. Discipline will be based upon the nature and severity of the infraction and conditions surrounding the incident.
The following is a guideline of some, but not limited to, circumstances on which disciplinary action may be taken.
1. Any falsification of information on the job application, other employment records, or timesheets/timecards.
2. Possession, use, or under the influence of any alcoholic beverages or illegal/controlled substance or drug.
3. Willful disobedience, insubordination, or intentional failure to carry out any reasonable order by a superior.
4. Deliberate damage, destruction, theft, or unauthorized removal of Village property or another employee's property.
5. Any act which endangers the safety, health or well-being of another Village employee, or person(s) of the public.
6. Abuse of leave policy and absence without leave.
7. Fighting on any Village premises at any time.
8. Violation of any policy outlined in this manual, or any departmental rules, regulations and/or policy.
9. Inefficiently performing the duties of the position.
10. Any act which would cause substantial disruption to the department in which the employee is assigned or brings discredit to the Village.
11. Any act of bullying or intimidation.
12. Use of foul language.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)