9.14 Telecommunications (Telephones, Cell Phones, Faxes, Radios)
   It is the policy of the Village to issue telecommunications equipment to employees to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business communications, to ensure that telecommunications equipment is used wisely, and to ensure that public funds are used prudently. These procedures ensure that usage, costs, and appropriateness are reviewed by the department management on a regular basis. EMPLOYEES USING VILLAGE OWNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT HAVE NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY IN SUCH EQUIPMENT.
   A request to obtain the use of telecommunications equipment shall be submitted in writing to the IT department by the Department Manager. The request must indicate which specific telecommunications device is required. Each request must state to whom the equipment will be assigned, their respective title, the account to be charged, and which of the following four standards for issuance apply:
   A.   Level of Responsibility: Users are involved in significant organizational activities and policy determinations that require immediate and ongoing communication and accessibility. The user may be required to maintain communication/contact outside of the normal workday.
   B.   Emergency Response: Users are required to have access to cellular equipment for emergency response purposes.
   C.   Field Level: Users have direct responsibility for managing field operations. The employee's job requires a significant amount of time in the field or in a vehicle. The job has a high volume of time-sensitive calls.
   D.   Public/Employee Safety: Continuous contact or immediate response is required to provide safety. Users must hold a duty assignment that requires continuous contact or immediate response to situations that promote public and/or employee safety.
   E.   Your Department Manager must approve the use of your own phone. You will receive a stipend once a month for $20.00 (this benefit is taxable).
   The assigned telecommunications equipment should not be transferred to other users without written approval from the Department Manager.
   Employees are permitted to use Village telecommunications for personal reasons in cases of absolute necessity. Any personal phone calls made or received shall be limited to a short duration and done so away from the public.
   Employees should discourage persons from telephoning them for non-business reasons at work. Abuse of this limited privilege for personal phone calls may result in the privilege being revoked.
   The Department Manager shall be responsible for a regular review of actual usage of cellular equipment time. Unauthorized personal use of the assigned equipment shall trigger a review of the employee's overall use of such equipment. Violations of this policy may result in the employee's loss of the cellular equipment or other appropriate sanction, up to and including termination of employment.
   It is the responsibility of the employee assigned telecommunications equipment to look after such equipment in accordance with this policy. Telecommunications equipment should not be left accessible to others; in the event of the loss or theft of the cellular equipment the employee should notify the department Manager in writing. Equipment lost/damaged through negligence shall be replaced/repaired at the expense of the employee. Employees should not use cellular equipment while driving a vehicle or when involved in other unsafe conditions.
   The Department Manager will immediately advise the IT Manager (or IT Staff) of any loss, damage, or theft of telecommunications equipment.
   Long distance telephone calls are restricted to Village business only and are made under the authorization of the individual Department Manager.
   Any personal long-distance calls must be made collect or using a personal calling card.
   When any telephone equipment is no longer needed by an employee it should be returned to their Department Manager to be re-issued to another employee.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)