6.0 Non-Union Sworn Personnel Chiefs and Commanders Provisions Sick Leave
   The following benefits will be provided to non-union sworn police personnel of the Romeoville Police Department.
   Sick leave shall be earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per each full calendar month of service and may be used only after it is earned. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years of service shall earn sick leave at a rate of twelve (12) hours per month. Employees with twenty (20) or more years of service shall earn sick leave at a rate of sixteen (16) hours per month. On duty disability shall not be charged to the accumulated non-duty sick leave of the employee. Any employee placed on inactive status or on non-pay leave status does not accumulate sick leave during these periods.
   Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of 450 days (3,600 hours).
   The Village Manager has the authority to amend this section as needed when necessary.
   When a non-union sworn officer retires, the unused sick time may be applied toward the payment of health insurance. The Village will provide a one to one match (1:1) to the employee's accumulated sick time based on the following scale.
   Years of         Maximum Hours
   Service         to be matched
    20               700
    21               800
    22               900
    23               1,000
    24               1,100
    25               1,200
    26               1,400
    27               1,600
    28               1,800
    29               2,000
    30               2,200
   The maximum numbers of hours an officer can have available for insurance coverage at the time of retirement is 5,800 hours. (3,600 hours sick time accumulation plus 2,200 Village matches at 30 years.)
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)