Vacation schedules shall be arranged to provide minimal disruption to department operations. Request for vacation leave should be submitted to the Department Manager for approval. Vacation can be denied for operational reasons. The Village Manager can authorize a buy out of accrued vacation time.
The total accrued vacation time may not exceed thirty-five (35) days (280 hours). When this maximum time is reached, the employee will not accrue vacation time until time is taken.
Employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor no less than five (5) days before the use of more than one (1) day and provide twenty-four (24) hours prior to taking one (1) day or less. In case of an emergency this can be waived. No more than three (3) consecutive weeks can be taken.
If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, holiday pay will be given.
Should an employee become ill or disabled prior to a scheduled vacation, upon a written doctor's notice, the employee's vacation can be deferred until termination of the absence.
A. An employee on unpaid leave will have their vacation accrual pro-rated based on the hours worked during the pay period. If the employee is on unpaid leave for the entire two (2) weeks, they will not receive any accrual during that pay period.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)