Upon reclassification, an employee may receive an adjustment in pay commensurate with the employment classification.
When the allocation of an existing position has been changed because of reevaluation resulting from significant changes in job duties, responsibilities and requirements, such position will be a reclassification.
In these situations, the position will be documented and evaluated using a standard job evaluation method, and position classification and pay range will be determined.
If a position is reclassified to a classification in a lower pay range, and the salary of the employee is within the new pay range, the employee shall go to the step in the new pay range which is the closest to his/her current pay. If a position is reclassified to a classification in a lower pay range, and the salary of the employee exceeds the pay range maximum of the new pay range, the employee will be placed in the new pay range and retain his/her current salary. However, the employee will not be eligible for further base-accumulating pay increases until his/her salary is again within the salary for the new grade.
If a position is reclassified to a classification in a higher pay range, and the salary of the employee is within the new pay range, the employee shall be placed in the range which provides an increase over his/her current pay. If a position is reclassified to a classification in a higher pay range, and the salary of the employee is below the new pay range minimum, the employee shall receive a salary adjustment to the minimum of the higher pay range.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)