A. Full-time employee - Shall mean an employee who customarily works thirty-five - forty hours per week on a regular schedule throughout a twelve-month period. The employment position is specifically authorized in the budget and is designated as either non-exempt or exempt from federal, state and wage laws.
1. Non-Exempt Full-time-Employees are entitled to overtime pay or compensatory ("comp") time under the specific provisions of federal and state laws and village policies.
2. Exempt Full-time-Employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. Exempt employees are generally executive, administrative, creative or learned professional and technology employees. Exempt employees are paid by salary and not by hour. The salary is intended to compensate for all hours worked at the Village and will be established at the time of hire or when the position is classified as "exempt".
B. Part-time employee - One who works less than thirty-five (35) hours per week, twelve (12) months a year. One who works 1000 hours per year averaging 20 hours a week would be entitled to IMRF. Employees working over 1000 per year would also be eligible for paid sick, personal, vacation, funeral, and holidays. This excludes part-time firefighter/paramedic or firefighter/ EMTS.
C. Temporary employee/seasonal - A person employed either Full-time or Part-time on a non-regular basis. Temporary employees will not be eligible for employee benefits.
D. 1560 Part-time Employees - An employee who works between 1560 and 2000 hours of service during the employer's "standard measurement period" or the employee's "initial measurement period" for qualification for health insurance. The employer's "standard measurement period" is January 01 through the following December 31. An employee will have an "initial measurement period" if the employee was not employed for a full standard measurement period and/or can be treated as a new variable hour employee or a new seasonal employee upon hire according to IRS regulations. An employee's "initial measurement period" will be the twelve-month period beginning on the first day of the month starting after the employee's hires date.
(Ord. 23-1853, passed 5-3-23)