(A)   All persons present on any Department property, and all participants, attendees or volunteers in any activity, program or event conducted, organized or sponsored by the Department shall at all times comply with the provisions of this chapter, the Village Code, other applicable law, and any consistent supplementary rules that may be issued from time to time by the Director concerning the use of Department property, or the conduct of, participation in, or attendance at activities, events or programs conducted, organized or sponsored by the Department, together with any directions or instructions of any village or Department employee seeking to enforce compliance with any of the same.
   (B)   Any person violating or disobeying any section or part of this chapter, other than or any other village or Department ordinance, policy, rule, or regulation, may be forthwith evicted and removed from District property, may have his admission privileges relating to Department property revoked, or suspended for such period of time as the Director or her designee shall determine, subject to the guidelines hereinafter set forth, and/or may, upon conviction, and unless otherwise specified herein, be fined in an amount not less than $100 and not more than $750 for each offense and/or required to perform community service work. Proceedings to enforce against violations of this chapter may be commenced in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court or alternatively before the Village Administrative Hearing Officer pursuant to Chapter 42A of the Village Code of Ordinances.
   (C)   Any person who upon any Department property commits any violation of the provisions of this chapter, the Village Code, or applicable state or federal law as hereinafter classified may, in addition to any other penalties provided for by this chapter, be subject to having his or her privilege to enter upon such Department property and up to all other Department property suspended for up to the number of days as hereinafter indicated. Notice of such a suspension shall be provided to the violating party in writing, and may be provided by the Director, any superintendent, any of their designees, or by any sworn officer of the Village Police Department. Entry upon the Department property designated in a notice of suspension shall be deemed to violate this division (C), and shall further be referred for enforcement under § 94.04(D) and § 132.28 of the Village Code and/or applicable provisions of state law.
      (1)   Class I violations - ten day suspension:
         (a)   All violations of § 94.04, except as otherwise indicated herein;
         (b)   All violations of § 94.05, except as otherwise indicated herein;
         (c)   All violations of § 94.06, except as otherwise indicated herein;
         (d)   All violations of § 94.07, except as otherwise indicated herein, including all violations of any permit issued under § 94.07.
      (2)   Class II violations - 30 day suspension:
         (a)   Violations of § 94.04(E);
         (b)   Violations of § 94.04(F)(3) and § 94.04(F)(5);
         (c)   Violations of § 94.05(A);
         (d)   Violations of § 94.05(B)(7);
         (e)   Violations of § 94.05(C);
         (f)   Violations of § 94.05(D);
         (g)   Violations of § 94.05(F);
         (h)   Violations of § 94.05(G);
         (i)   Violations of § 94.05(I);
         (j)   Violations of § 94.05(J)(4) or § 94.05(J)(6);
         (k)   Violations of § 94.05(O);
         (l)   Violations of § 94.06(A);
         (m)   Violations of § 94.06(B);
         (n)   Violations of § 94.06(C);
         (o)   Violations of § 94.06(G);
         (p)   A second Class I violation by any party having previously committed any Class I violation.
      (3)   Class III violations - 60 day suspension:
         (a)   A third or subsequent Class I violation by any party having previously committed two or more Class I violations;
         (b)   Second or subsequent Class II violations by any party having previously committed one or more Class II violations.
      (4)   Appeals of any notice of suspension issued hereunder may be had in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 42A of the Village Code of Ordinances.
   (D)   In addition to any other penalty or enforcement provision of this chapter or the Village Code, any person violating any provision of this chapter or the Village Code or other applicable state or federal law shall be liable to make restitution to the village in an amount equal to the reasonable cost to repair to restore or repair any damage or loss caused to the village by such violation.
(Ord. 21-1693, passed 4-7-21)