§ 113.03 EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   Persons, firms, corporations, organizations, or entities that are registered with or organized by the State of Illinois for bona fide governmental, charitable, religious, fraternal, civic, patriotic, social, or purposes not including pecuniary profit or those possessing and maintaining a valid federal tax exemption under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be exempt from having to purchase and/or maintain a business license under the provisions of this chapter but shall be required to register annually with the village for informational purposes on forms for such purpose as approved from time to time by the Community Development Department. Nothing in this division (A) shall exempt such persons, firms, corporations, organizations, or entities from any other applicable ordinances of the village, including but not limited to the inspectional requirements of Chapters 91, 150 and 155 of the Village Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   Persons, firms, corporations, organizations, or entities engaged in any business that the village is preempted from licensing or regulating under the laws of the State of Illinois or the United States shall be exempt from having to purchase or maintain a business license under the provisions of this chapter but shall be required to register annually with the village for informational purposes on forms for such purpose as approved from time to time by the Community Development Department. Nothing in this division (B) shall exempt such persons, firms, corporations, organizations, or entities from any otherwise applicable ordinances of the village, including but not limited to the inspectional requirements of Chapters 91, 150 and 155 of the Village Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 21-1695, passed 4-7-21)