In the event that any person or entity shall become delinquent by a period of time in excess of 30 days (with the existence of any state of delinquency to be determined by reference to the requirements of this Code, any relevant agreement or contract entered into by and between the village and the person or entity in question, the standard practices, policies or requirements of any department of the village, or the provisions of any applicable law) in the payment of any fees or monies owed to the village for any reason whatsoever, or in the performance of any obligation whatsoever owed to the village (whether such obligations arise from the provisions of this Code, the terms of any relevant contract or agreement entered into by and between the village and the person or entity in question, the standard practices, policies or requirements of any department of the village, or the provisions of any applicable law), the village and the proper personnel of its various departments shall, with respect to such delinquent person or entity hereby be authorized to withhold or suspend the issuance of any permit or approval, the performance of any service, the processing of any application, the conduct of any review or process or the performance of any other action whatsoever and without limitation that such delinquent person or entity may from time to time or at any time request from the village, whether or not the delinquency in question arises from or relates to the permit, approval, review, process, service or action at issue, and to continue such withholding or suspension until such time as the delinquency in question shall be fully corrected, remediated and otherwise brought into compliance.
(Ord. 0008-03, passed 2-19-03; Am. Ord. 12-1017, passed 11-7-12)