(A)   Any and all persons desiring to use any residential street of the village for the purpose of holding or conducting a social gathering of residents from a given street, commonly known as a "block party" shall first be required to make application therefor to the village on such forms as are provided by the village from time to time for such purpose. At a minimum, the application form shall require the applicant(s) to provide the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of applicant(s);
      (2)   Date of application;
      (3)   Date and start/end times of proposed block party;
      (4)   Location of block party, indicating the area or section of the village street proposed to be closed or barricaded during the proposed block party;
      (5)   A narrative description of activities to be conducted at the proposed block party, including a description of any proposed live or recorded music to be played during the proposed block party, along with an estimate of the number of persons expected to attend the block party;
      (6)   A statement as to whether alcohol will be served or consumed at the proposed block party;
      (7)   A statement that the applicants will at all times during the proposed block party provide appropriate monitoring and volunteer personnel to move barricades as requested to permit access for fire, ambulance/EMS, law enforcement, REMA, Public Works, and other public safety personnel of the village or other agencies, and to permit pedestrian or vehicular access for block residents and their guests or invitees;
      (8)   A statement that the applicant(s) acknowledge(s) personal responsibility for the clean-up and removal of all garbage, refuse, litter and debris or other materials placed or deposited within any village street or upon any other village right-of-way, easement or property the conclusion of the block party, and agree(s) to complete all required clean-up and removal activities required as of or prior to the scheduled end time of the block party;
      (9)   A statement that the applicant is responsible for having all barricades provided by the village for use in connection with the block party ready to be picked up from the location where delivered by 7:00 a.m. on the first weekday following the conclusion of the block party, village holidays excluded;
      (10)   Copies of the driver's licenses or state issued identification cards of the permit applicants;
      (11)   Signatures from a majority of the households on the affected block indicating that such households consent to the proposed block party; and
      (12)   A statement indemnifying and holding harmless the village, its elected and appointed officials, and its officers, employees and agents of and from any and all claims or damages arising from or in any way related to the conduct of the proposed block party or the use of any public street, right-of- way, easement or other property of the village in connection therewith.
   (B)   Applications for block parties must be filed with the village a minimum of two weeks prior to the requested block party date.
(Ord. 15-1176, passed 2-4-15)