Appendix B: Rules of Procedure for "Petitions from the Public" Portion of Regular Village Board Agendas
(1)   Registration of Petitions from the Public Participants. Anyone who wishes to speak or comment during the Petitions from the Public portion of a regular Village Board meeting must sign-in prior to the commencement of the meeting on the sign-up cards or sheets available at the front door of the Village Board room. Speakers or those desiring to comment shall provide their names, and indicate the topic or topics that they desire to address.
(2)   Unless otherwise approved by a motion adopted by a majority vote of the Village Board, speakers and persons desiring to comment during the Petitions from the Public portion of a regular Village Board meeting shall limit their remarks and comments to no more than five minutes in length. Prior to commencing their remarks and comments, speakers and those desiring to comment shall wait to be recognized by the Village President, and shall identify themselves by name and address. The permitted duration of remarks and comments shall be determined by the use of a timer or stopwatch operated by a member of the village staff in attendance at the meeting, and the speaker or person desiring to comment shall promptly conclude his or her remarks and vacate the podium upon the expiration of the allotted time as determined by the timer or stopwatch in use.
(3)   The Village President may take such actions as are required to maintain order and civility during the Petitions from the Public portion of the regular Village Board meeting. Discourtesy or disorderly conduct shall be deemed a breach of order, and such misconduct shall be dealt with as appropriate, including but not limited to expulsion from the meeting. Speakers and persons presenting comments shall refrain from colloquy or debate with members of the audience. Likewise, all members of the audience not then recognized by the Village President as a speaker or person desiring to comment shall likewise refrain from colloquy, debate or exclamation until such time as they may be so recognized.
(4)   Nothing herein shall restrict the opportunity of the Village President and Trustees to comment or remark after the conclusion of any comments or remarks made by a person recognized to speak or comment during the Petitions from the Public Portion of a regular Village Board meeting, but neither the Village President nor the Village Trustees shall be under any obligation to so comment or remark.
(5)   Nothing herein shall limit the ability of the Village President and Village Board of Trustees to invite and recognize persons to address the Village Board during other portions of any workshop or regular Village Board meeting, but such invitation and recognition shall be at the discretion of the Village President and Village Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 14-1129, passed 7-14-14; Am. Ord. 14-1136, passed 9-17-14)