(A)   The village departments and budget section allow only for the training of board and commission members and employees to maintain current technological and philosophical trends, to maintain sound management prerogatives towards the delivery of services.
   (B)   To provide contemporary business practices within a defined framework, to eliminate overexpenditures of funds allocated when an employee or member attends a training seminar, symposium, workshop, meeting, or conference:
      (1)   Board members, commission members, committee members, or employees designated to attend, shall prepare the official expense report provided by the Department of Finance and return the report to the Department within seven days after return from the seminar.
      (2)   Receipts of expenditures or other valid documentation shall be attached to the report to verify the actual amount, when receipts are obtainable.
      (3)   Actual costs for meals, lodging, or coach air faire or round trip auto (whichever is less) shall be based upon state rates.
      (4)   For a meeting, workshop, seminar, or conference whose duration is more than a day, an employee or official may be allotted up to $50 per day of actual expenses incurred.
      (5)   Spouse's daily attendance fees and banquet charges may be included in the per diem rate.
      (6)   Entertainment expenses shall not be included.
   (C)   This policy and procedure shall act as a general guide for department and sections to administer.
   (D)   This policy and procedure may be amended from time to time to allow for change in trends, methods, and different rates of conference cities.
   (E)   More than one out-of-state conference shall need Village Board approval.
(Res. 458-86, passed 6-18-86) 1987 S-3