The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is hereby established and shall consist of seven members appointed by the Village President with the consent of the Village Board of Trustees. All members of the ZBA shall be residents of the village. All members appointed to the ZBA shall serve terms of one year from the date of appointment (including appointments made prior to the effective date of this amended section), and until their successors shall have been appointed and qualified. As of the effective date hereof, members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be relieved of any obligations as members of the ZBA and shall thereafter no longer serve or be obligated to serve in such capacity unless subsequently appointed as set forth herein. The Village President shall, with the advice and consent of the Village Board of Trustees, designate one member of the ZBA as the Chairman of the ZBA, who shall preside over the meetings and proceedings of the ZBA, and be empowered to compel the attendance of witnesses and administer oaths as provided by law, and designate one member of the ZBA as the Vice-Chairman of the ZBA, who shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the Chairman's absence.
(Res. 77-01, passed 5-16-01; Am. Ord. 11-0938, passed 11-2-11)