The village shall take every reasonable precaution to assure that alarms received by the Police or Fire Departments are given appropriate attention and are acted upon with dispatch. Nevertheless, the village shall not be liable for any defects in operation of devices, for any failure or neglect to respond appropriately upon receipt of an alarm for such source, nor failure or neglect of any person in connection with the installation and operation of equipment, the transmission of alarm signals or the relaying of such signals and messages. The village shall incur no liability for its actions, in the event it finds it necessary to disconnect a device or revoke or suspend a permit. No special relationship is entered into, or implied, between village and alarm subscriber when a premise is found unsecured and the alarm subscriber cannot be contacted or subscriber refuses to respond when contacted and the officers leave the scene of the premises unsecured, the village or officers shall incur no liability by such action.
(Ord. 2062-90, passed 9-5-90)