The County Board of Health shall make or cause to be made a sanitary survey of all buildings and premises in the village, including the drainage, sewerage, and other methods of sewage disposal and of public buildings, including school buildings. It shall keep a record of all sanitary surveys and shall direct and compel any sanitary changes in buildings and premises relating to ventilation, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, or other sanitary changes consistent with health and economy and the well-being of the public, such as each case may demand. The Board and its authorized agents shall have the power and authority to enter any building, premises, or boat for the purpose of making a sanitary survey and regulations, after giving due and formal notice at any time during the daytime. Any person who shall obstruct or resist these duties of the County Board of Health or fail to comply with the other requirements of this section, shall be guilty of an offense.
(Ord. 328, passed 10-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99