For the purpose of this subchapter, cruelty to an animal shall be considered one or more of the following acts:
   (A)   Overloading, overdriving, overworking, cruelly beating, torturing, tormenting, mutilating, or cruelly killing any animal or knowingly allowing the same to be done;
   (B)   Cruelly working an old, maim, infirm, sick, or disabled animal or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done;
   (C)   Knowingly failing to provide any animal in a person's charge or custody, as owner or otherwise, with proper food, drink, and shelter;
   (D)   Abandoning any old, maim, infirm, sick, or disabled animal or by abandoning any animal on any highway or public way or in any other place where it may suffer injury, hunger, or exposure, or become public charge;
   (E)   Failure on the part of the driver or any passenger in any motorized vehicle which strikes a domesticated animal to report the incident to the Police Department;
   (F)   Carrying or driving or causing to be carried or driven or kept, any animal, in an unnecessarily cruel manner.
(Ord. 571, passed 10-19-77)