(A)   The village may, without petition or creating a street improvement district, grade, curb, gutter, and pave:
      (1)   Any portion of a street otherwise paved so as to make one continuous paved street, but the portion to be so improved shall not exceed two blocks, including intersections, or 1,325 feet, whichever is the lesser;
      (2)   Any unpaved street or alley which intersects a paved street for a distance of not to exceed one block on either side of that paved street; and
      (3)   Any side street or alley within its corporate limits connecting with a major traffic street for a distance not to exceed one block from that major traffic street.
   (B)   Those improvements may be performed upon any portion of a street or alley or any unpaved street or alley not previously improved to meet or exceed the minimum standards for pavement set by the village for its paved streets.
   (C)   In order to defray the costs and expenses of these improvements, the Board of Trustees may levy and collect special taxes and assessments or issue paving bonds as provided in Neb. RS 18-2003. (Neb. RS 18-2001 through 18-2004)