The village will provide weekly curbside collection of the normal household trash, refuse, garbage, and the like from all residences within the village with an active water meter.
(A) These collections are to be made on a specific day, unless weather or other adverse conditions make it impossible for the collector to perform its task on that specific day, in which case it will be collected on the following day or as soon thereafter as conditions permit. Collections will be made during normal working hours or from sunrise to sunset, whichever is the greater length of time.
(B) Residents shall have the refuse ready for collection at the street curbside by 6:00 a.m. the day of pick-up in the receptacles provided by the refuse hauler with lids completely closed. No lawn clippings or trimmings may be placed with refuse, mixed or separately, for regular pickup between April 1 and November 1 or as may be designated from time to time by state or federal regulations. Additional pickup at any one residence shall be contracted for directly with the collector on an individual basis at established rates approved by the Village Board.
(C) Residents will be responsible for litter or spillage prior to collection. The collection contractor shall be responsible for litter or spillage after collection, and all refuse collected by the contractor shall be delivered to and deposited in the Loup Central Landfill.
(D) Household trash, refuse, garbage, and the like not in receptacles provided by the refuse hauler at curbside by 6:00 a.m. on the date of pick-up will not be collected. Residents are responsible for the fees associated with said pick-up, whether or not the household trash, refuse, garbage, and the like is picked up by the hauler.
(Ord. 2022-16, passed 12-19-2022)