§ 154.52 SPECIAL USES.
   The special uses shall be:
   (A)   Drive-through lanes to serve customers in waiting motor vehicles, as an accessory use contiguous to the primary use, provided that:
      (1)   Adequate stacking distance, as approved by the Town Superintendent, shall be provided that does not interfere with any public right-of-way;
      (2)   Screening, other than berms, between 30 and 42 inches in height, shall be provided to abate headlights from reaching windows and doors of adjacent buildings;
      (3)   No electronic speaker devices shall be audible beyond the property being served by them between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; and
      (4)   Curb cuts for such a drive-through shall not total more than 24 feet in width along any street right-of-way.
   (B)   Lodging houses and motels which satisfy all other requirements of this chapter, provided that:
      (1)   No outdoor recreation facilities are located adjacent to any public street right-of-way; and
      (2)   All buildings and outdoor recreation facilities are at least 150 feet from any residentially zoned district or any other residential property containing four or more residential units.
      (3)   Bus turn-arounds (allowed only out of Row House District).
      (4)   Parking structures which satisfy all the requirements of this chapter and are located along a public right-of-way or adjacent to an existing use.
      (5)   Surface parking lots not adjacent to the parcel containing the primary use served by said parking lots.
      (6)   Uses which require an excessive number of parked vehicles, such as special events (such as, bridge festival).
(Ord. 2007-715, passed 2-21-2007)