(A)   Permitted uses. The special exceptions listed in Table 15 and their accessory buildings and uses may be permitted by the Board in the Districts indicated in Table 1 (§ 154.27), in accordance with the procedure set forth in this section and the requirements listed in Table 15.
   (B)   Requirements.
      (1)   Upon receipt of an application for an improvement location permit for a special exception, the Building Commissioner shall refer such application to the Commission for investigation as to the manner in which the proposed location and character of the special exception will affect the master plan. The Commission shall report the results of its study to the Board within 45 days following receipt of the application. If no such report has been filed with the Board within this time period, the Board may proceed to process the application.
      (2)   The Board shall then proceed with a hearing on the application in the manner prescribed in § 154.71. Following the hearing, and upon an affirmative finding by the Board that:
         (a)   The proposed special exception is to be located in a District wherein such use may be permitted;
         (b)   The requirements set forth in Table 15 for such special exception will be met, and
         (c)   1.   The special exception is consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of this chapter, will not substantially and permanently injure the appropriate use of neighboring welfare.
            2.   The Board shall order the Building Commissioner to issue an improvement location permit for the special exception.
   (C)   Existing uses. An existing use which is listed herein as a special exception, and which is located in a district in which such special exception may be permitted, is a conforming use. Any expansion of such special exception involving the enlargement of the buildings, structures and land area devoted to such use shall be subject to the procedure described in this section.
   (D)   Exceptions. The use of any land for the purposes for which it may be acquired by purchase or condemnation by any person, corporation or other body having the right to exercise the power of eminent domain, is excepted from the provisions of this chapter. Any such person, corporation or other body shall at least 60 days prior to construction inform and discuss the location of said utility with the Plan Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting and within 60 days after the completion of the construction, erection or installation on or in any such land of any structure, building or facilities relating to such use or employment deliver to the Building Commissioner a map showing, at least every half mile, the location of such structure, building or facilities in relation to the nearest section corner, the location of streams, open and tile ditches, and county highways crossed, and with respect to underground facilities the depth thereof below the surface of the ground.
   (E)   Time limitation. In the event that the applicant has failed to commence construction within 24 months after such permit has been issued, or has failed to proceed with construction, once commenced, in accordance with construction time tables commonly prevailing in the construction industry, subject to the Board’s discretion as to the reasonableness of construction delays, or fails to conform to the provisions of the development plan and supporting data finally approved by the Board and upon the basis of which such improvement location permit for special exception was issued, said Board may upon its own motion or upon the written petition of any aggrieved person at-public hearing require the applicant to show cause why the Board’s order should not be withdrawn and the improvement location permit for special exception revoked.
Table 15
Special Exceptions and Requirements
Requirement Designation
Table 15
Special Exceptions and Requirements
Requirement Designation
Classification of use permitted
Light Industrial
Local Business
Minimum Lot area
1,500 square feet
110 square feet per child
25,000 square feet
20,000 square feet plus 5,000 square feet per horse over four horses
1 acre
5 acres
5 acres including 2,500 square feet per mobile home stand
6 acres
20 acres
40 acres
80 acres
320 acres
Two times requirement for single-family dwelling
2 acres or more
Minimum Yards (Feet)
Side (Each)
Abutting residential
Abutting other use
Building setback from center line of interior road (feet)
Use permitted not closer than 300 feet to a Residential District
Minimum gross floor areas of principal building(s) (square feet)
Over 1,000
Determined by number of children to be accommodated
Two times single-family dwelling
Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application
Maximum height of structure (feet)
As required by appropriate state or federal agency
Same as Light Industrial
6-foot wire mesh where accessible to the public
6-foot wire mesh when located at ground level
4-foot wire mesh around play area
Solid wall or solid painted fence 8 feet high
4-foot wire mesh in residence area
Painted board fence 8 feet high
Adequate to protect abutting use
6-foot wire mesh
6-foot solid painted for refuse dump
Screen planting where abutting residential use (tight screen, effective at all times)
6-foot height by 6-foot width
25 feet abutting Residential District or use
8-foot height by 6-foot width
Adequate to screen power substation from street view
6 feet high along streets for refuse dump
Plat approved by the Commission to be submitted with application
Development plan to be submitted with application
Covenant by owners to perpetuate maintenance and approve future improvements
Maximum number of principal entrances from major thoroughfare
Acceptable relationship to major thoroughfare
Thoroughfares must be adequate to carry additional traffic engendered by use
Other authority approval required
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Indiana Department of Transportation
I.C. 36-7-4-1103
Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Commission
Disposal of liquid and other wastes shall meet the approval of the State Board of Health
No sales, dead storage, repair work or dismantling on the lot
No parking in the front yard, except as provided in § 154.34
Except for approved exits and entrances, a masonry wall 4-feet in height and 6-inches thick erected at required front line of building and may be required along boundaries of parking area as determined by the Commission for the protection of residentially zoned or used property
Note: Use of # symbol in this table indicates that the requirements of the district apply to the special exception where located

If the nature of the special exception involves more than one of those listed, the applicant may apply for an improvement location permit for the special exception which most closely relates to the primary use; provided that the requirements of all the related uses will be met.

See Table 15A for key to use classification and requirement designations.
Table 15A
Special Exception Use Classification and Requirement Designations
Special Exception
Requirement Designation
Table 15A
Special Exception Use Classification and Requirement Designations
Special Exception
Requirement Designation
Airport of heliport
b6 (heliport), b12 (airport), g, h2, i1 (airport), i1 (heliport), j1, p, r1, s, t, u, v, w, y
Artificial lakes of 3 or more acres
c1, i1, j1, p, r1, u1, v, w, y
Bulk oil and bottled gas storage above ground and petroleum tank form*
c11, h1
Cemetery or crematory
b11, c2, i1, p, q, r1, v, w, y
Clinic or medical health center
b1, c3, h4, j1, r1, v, w, y
College building
b1, c6, d3, g, h4, p1, t, v, y
Contractor’s equipment and storage yard
c1, e, p, r1, v1, x
Conversion of single-family dwelling to two-family dwelling
b14, c1, f5, h1, p, y
Country club or golf course
c1, d3, j1, p, r1, v, w, y
Fire station or police station
b1, c1, h1, j1, s, y
Greenhouse, commercial
b4, c6, f2, h1, r1, v, w, y
Home occupation
b1, c1, f1, h1, v, y
b7, c6, g, h5, j1, p, s, t, v, y
Industrial park
a1, b10, c7, d3, g, h3, j2, o, p, q, r1, s, t, v, w, y
Junk yard
c1, e, h1, i4, r1, v, w, y
Kennel, animal
b15, c9, h1, j1, r1, v, w, y
Kindergarten or day nursery
b3, c8, f3, h1, i3, j1, p, r1, v, y
Material storage, open
c1, e, p, r1, v, x
Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and their storage areas
c9, e, h1, i5, j1, r1, s, t, u3, v, w, y
Mobile home park, travel trailer park
b8, c6, d2, g, h1, j1, o, p, q, r1, s, u1, v, w, y
Motel, may include restaurant in connection therewith
b4, c8, f1, g, h1, j1, p, r2, s, u, v, w
Nursing home, home for aged, orphanage
b1, c3, f1, h1, r1, u, v, w, y
Outdoor theater
c6, i6, p, r1, s, t, v, w, y
Outdoor commercial recreational enterprise
c4, d1, h1, i1, j3, p, r2, s, t, v, w, y
Penal or correction institution
b13, c10, e, g, p, r1, y
Practice golf-driving range
c6, i7, j3, r1, v, y
Private recreational development
c4, g, h1, j3, r1, v, w, y
Produce terminal, wholesale
b10, c7, d3, e, h1, i8, j1, p, r1, s, t, v, w, y
Public camp
b7, c6, d1, h1, j3, r1, u1, v, w, y
Public or employee parking areas
b2, p, r1, s, t, v, x, y, z
Radio or television tower
r1, v
Railroad right-of-way and uses essential to railroad operation
h1, r1, v
Raising and breeding of non-farm fowl and animals, commercial, except kennel
b4, c10, h1, j1, r1, v, w, y
Riding stable
b5, c10, h1, j1, r1, v, w, y
Public or commercial sanitary fill or refuse dump
b11, c11, e, i9, j5, r1, u1, v, w, y
Seasonal fishing or hunting lodge
b1, c1, f4, v, w, y
Public or commercial garbage disposal plant
b15, c11, e, r1, u1, v, w, y
Public or commercial sewage disposal plant
b11, c11, e, r1, u1, v, w, y
Shopping center
a2, b9, c2, g, j1, o, p, s, t, u1, v, y
Stadium or coliseum
b7, c2, j1, p, r2, s, t, v, y
Studio business
b1, c1, f1, h1, v, y
Truck freight terminal
c1, e, j1, p, r1, s, t, v, w, y
Tourist home
b1, c1, f1, h1, r1, v, y
Sales barn for livestock resale
*   Requirement standards applicable to industrial uses as set out in § 154.31 shall apply also to the special exceptions
(Ord. 480, passed 11-16-1970; Ord. 95-611, passed 10-4-1995)