(A)   No licensee shall knowingly nor with habitual negligence permit any person to participate in, use or operate any licensed activity or amusement device, nor to congregate or remain on any licensed premises:
      (1)   For the purposes of gambling or wagering as defined by the laws of the state; or
      (2)   In violation of:
         (a)   Compulsory school attendance laws; or
         (b)   Curfew hours as established by state law or as lawfully modified by town ordinance.
      (3)   In any manner so as to create a public disturbance, harass the public or other patrons of the establishment, or create any public nuisance as. commonly defined in law; or
      (4)   In violation of any other laws or ordinances which may now or hereafter be directly or incidentally applicable to the licensed activity or device.
   (B)   In addition to the licensee, any manager, operator or other person in charge of any licensed premises, activity or device as presumptive agent of the licensee shall be equally liable with the licensee for any violations of this section. The Town Council President may, by written order to the licensee, revoke the license of any premises wherein he or she finds that the licensee or agent is knowingly or negligently permitting such violations, to occur, subject to appeal in writing to the Town Council by the licensee within seven days of the date of such order.
   (C)   A license, once revoked, may not be renewed for at least one year thereafter.
(1984 Code, § 9-4-4) (Ord. 319, passed 12-30-1927; Ord. 361, passed 4-6-1936)