(A)   Downtown traffic area defined. The following area of the town is hereby defined to be the downtown traffic area regulated by this schedule: the far outside parking spaces surrounding the Courthouse Square of the following streets: Ohio Street, Market Street, High Street and Jefferson Street.
   (B)   Overtime parking prohibited. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this schedule for any person to allow, permit or suffer any motor vehicle owned or operated by such person to be parked in excess of two hours in the downtown traffic area within any designated parking space.
   (C)   Hours of enforcement. The provisions of this schedule shall be enforced on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays and election days.
   (D)   Exemptions. The following designated class shall be exempt from the provisions of this schedule:
      (1)   Jurors called for jury duty at the courthouse;
      (2)   Handicapped persons; and
      (3)   Vehicles parking two days prior to, during, and two days after the Annual County Covered Bridge Festival held in the town.
   (E)   Violations and penalties. Any individual found removing the parking attendant marking or moving vehicles in order to avoid enforcement of this schedule shall be considered in violation of this schedule. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this schedule shall be subject to the following penalties.
      (1)   For each violation, pay a penal sum of $15. This sum shall be paid to the Town Clerk- Treasurer’s office within five calendar days of the date of the violation. In the event the payment is not made within five calendar days, the penal sum increases to $25 and the Town Clerk-Treasurer’s office will forward a letter to the violator, giving them ten calendar days from the date of the letter to pay said sum. In the event payment is not made, the violator shall have the option of paying the sum of $50 within 30 days of the violation, or be summoned to appear in the County Circuit Court and if a violation is found, be subject to a fine of not less than $50, plus court costs.
      (2)   Any vehicle found in violation of this schedule for two or more successive days shall be impounded and towed at the violator’s expense.
(Ord. 2009-739, passed - -2009; Ord. 2009-743, passed 7-14-2009)