(A)   A petition to vacate or modify any final judgment or order of the court, except in forcible entry and detainer cases and small claims cases, or a petition to reopen an estate, to modify, terminate, or enforce a judgment or order for child or spousal support, or to modify, suspend, or terminate an order for withholding, if filed before 30 days after the entry of the judgment or order, the fee shall be $50.
   (B)   A petition to vacate or modify any final judgment or order of the court, except a petition to modify, terminate, or enforce a judgment or order for child or spousal support or to modify, suspend, or terminate an order for withholding, if filed later than 30 days after the entry of the judgment or order, the fee shall be $75.
   (C)   A petition to vacate order of bond forfeiture, the fee shall be $40.
(Prior Code, Title 6, Chapter 5) (Ord. passed - -2006)