(A)   Police.
      (1)   Law enforcement officers have the power and are authorized to arrest, with or without process, any persons found in the act of violating any ordinance of the District or law of the state; and
      (2)   District rangers are authorized to enforce the regulations of the District.
   (B)   Two penalties, one judgment. In all cases where the same offense shall be made punishable or shall be created by different clauses or sections of this or any other ordinance or statute, the duly sworn peace officer or person prosecuting may elect under which to proceed, but not more than one judgment shall be had against the same person for the same offense.
   (C)   Authority of other agencies. Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to prevent other officers from carrying out their sworn duties within the territories of the District as defined by applicable laws of the state and the United States or ordinances of the county, or in accord with any other policing agreement approved by the Board.
   (D)   Eviction. For violation of any of these rules and regulations, a person or persons is subject to a fine and/or immediate eviction whether or not a permit has been granted or fee paid. No refunds will be granted in such cases.
   (E)   Permits and designated areas, authority.
      (1)   To carry out the terms of this subchapter, the Director is hereby given authority to issue the permits, post notices, or to take the other action as called for herein, subject to the guidelines herein set forth.
      (2)   The Director shall have the authority to designate areas, facilities, or waters suitable for various activities or use, to close preserves or parts thereof in the interest of public health, safety, or general welfare or in order to protect the natural resources from unreasonable harm, and to promulgate and issue permits where required by this subchapter and collect such fees as established by the District in accordance with the following guidelines:
         (a)   No person be discriminated against because of race, sex, creed, color, or national origin;
         (b)   The proposed use or activity will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public’s use and enjoyment of the preserve and surrounding property or facilities;
         (c)   The proposed use or activity is not reasonably likely to result in violence or in serious harm to property or persons;
         (d)   The proposed use or activity will not entail extraordinary expense of operation costs by the District or expose it to unusability or extreme liability;
         (e)   The area desired has not been reserved for another activity at the same time;
         (f)   The proposed activity is reasonably expected to detract from the promotion of public health; and
         (g)   The proposed activity is reasonable compatible with the type of preserve, the size, and character of the area or waters involved and the facilities available, and that it is not reasonably expected to cause irreparable harm or extreme damage to the natural environment of the preserve.
      (3)   The Director may impose reasonable restrictions on the granting of a permit including, but not limited to, any of the following:
         (a)   Restricting the open dates for reserved area use, the length of time an area will be held for reserved use, the use of ground fires, sound, and energy amplification devices, amusement devices, off-the-road vehicle access, the number of persons present, location and type of any tents, bandstands, stages, or temporary structures, the use of domestic, pet, or trained animals, the use of shelters or structures, the collecting for any purpose of any water, soils, minerals, flora, or fauna, the type and location of sports and games, or any other activity which appears likely ro create a risk of unreasonable harm to the use and enjoyment of the preserve by others or of damage to District property;
         (b)   Requiring proof of and establishing the amount of liability insurance required and/or requiring a hold harmless agreement, or requiring a certificate of insurance naming the District as an additional insured when the activity is deemed by the Director to require such;
         (c)   Requiring the name, address, telephone number, and driver license number of a legal adult responsible for the use and activity requested, as well as the name, address, and telephone number of the group represented by the applicant; and
         (d)   Requiring that the applicant furnish additional security forces at the applicant’s expense, such forces to act under District supervision.
      (4)   All permits required by this subchapter and issued by the Director shall be issued at the District headquarters at the County Building, on a first-come, first-served basis beginning the first working day of each calendar year for open dates or for such total number allowed during that calendar year. All applications for permits shall be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of the earliest requested date, provided that the Director may waive the 72-hour period in the interest of public health or safety, or for such events that are of a significant civic nature.
      (5)   The Director is authorized to seek reasonable information regarding any proposed use, activity, or privilege and require a record of such information on a permit application.
      (6)   No person shall misrepresent, falsify, or withhold such required information.
      (7)   No person granted a permit shall violate the requirements, terms, conditions, restrictions, or rules duly set forth under the authority of this subchapter as part of any granted permit or registration.
      (8)   The Board of Commissioners of the District may set forth in other ordinances such permit or registration fees as it deems proper, and may change them from time to time.
      (9)   No person shall obtain or use any permit without first having paid the fee established by ordinance for such permit.
      (10)   (a)   All designated areas, waters, and facilities and all permit restrictions, rules, regulations, or conditions are subject to review at any time by the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners.
         (b)   Any aggrieved person shall have the right to petition the Board, in writing, regarding denial or restriction of use or activity, and be properly heard by the Board as the President shall direct.
   (F)   Civil suits. Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to prevent or preclude the lawful use by the District of a civil remedy at law, to correct an abuse or loss suffered by the District as a result of a violation of this subchapter or any law of the state.
   (G)   State, United States, and local laws.
      (1)   All persons within the forest preserves of the county are subject to all ordinances, rules, and regulations of the District as well as all applicable laws of the United States, the state, and local statutes and ordinances, as amended and changed from time to time.
      (2)   These laws include, but are not limited to, the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act for the state, the State Vehicle Code, the Criminal Code of the state, and the Game and Fish Codes of the state, as amended and changed from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-6)
Statutory reference:
   Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, see 70 ILCS 805/0.001 et seq.
   State Criminal Code, see 720 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.
   State Vehicle Code, see 625 ILCS 5/1-100 et seq.