For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   ABANDONED WELL. A water well or monitoring well which is:
      (1)   No longer used to supply water;
      (2)   No longer in use for the purpose for which it was intended; or
      (3)   In such a state of deficient construction or disrepair that the well or boring has the potential for transmitting contaminants into an aquifer or otherwise threatens the public health or safety.
   CLOSED LOOP WELL. A sealed, watertight loop of pipe buried outside of a building foundation intended to re-circulate a liquid solution through a heat exchanger but is limited to the construction of the borehole, piping in the borehole, heat exchanger fluid, and the grouting of the borehole and does not include the piping and appurtenances used in any other capacity. CLOSED LOOP WELL does not include any horizontal closed loop well systems where grouting is not necessary by law or standard industry practice. CLOSED LOOP WELLS are also commonly known as GEOTHERMAL WELLS.
   CLOSED LOOP WELL SYSTEM. A clustered group of closed loop wells that serve the same facility.
   COMMUNITY PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM. A public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by residents, or regularly serves 25 or more residents for at least 60 days per year.
   DRIVEN WATER WELL. A well constructed by joining a drive point with lengths of pipe and then driving or jetting the assembly into the ground with percussion equipment or by hand. DRIVEN WATER WELLS are also commonly known as sandpoint wells.
   HEALTH AUTHORITY. The person or persons designated by the County Board of Health to enforce this subchapter.
   HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The County Department of Public Health, including its duly authorized representatives.
   HEALTH DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR. The individual selected by the County Board of Health to administer and enforce the policies, ordinances, resolutions, and laws of said Board.
   HORIZONTAL CLOSED LOOP WELL SYSTEM. Any open cut excavation where a watertight loop of pipe is buried outside of a building foundation that is intended to re-circulate a liquid solution through a heat exchanger.
   LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM. Any irrigation system of lawn, shrubbery, and other vegetation from all water sources, whether potable or nonpotable. Such system includes without limitation the water supply piping, valves, and sprinkler heads or other irrigation outlets. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM does not include an irrigation system used primarily for agricultural purposes.
   MODIFICATION. The alteration of the structure of an existing water well, including, but not limited to, deepening installation of a pitless adapter, elimination of a buried suction line, installation of a liner, replacing, repairing, or extending casing, or replacement of a well screen. Pertaining to closed loop wells, MODIFICATION also means any alteration to the construction of the borehole of an existing closed loop well, including, but not limited to, regrouting and installation of additional boreholes.
   MONITORING WELL. A water well intended for the purpose of determining groundwater quality or quantity.
   NON-COMMUNITY PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM. A public water system which is not a community water system, and has at least 15 service connections used by non-residents, or regularly serves 25 or more non-resident individuals daily for at least 60 days per year.
      (1)   Water that does not meet public health standards for drinking water and is not suitable for human consumption or culinary use, or is of unknown quality.
      (2)   Examples of situations where NON-POTABLE WATER sources may be used include commercial or industrial processing or cooling, irrigation of agricultural ground, or irrigation of other vegetated areas with or without use of a lawn sprinkler system.
   POTABLE WATER. Water that is generally fit for human consumption in accordance with accepted water supply principles and practices.
   PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM. Any supply which provides water for drinking, culinary, and sanitary purposes and serves an owner-occupied single-family dwelling.
   SEMI-PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM. A water supply which is not a public water system, yet which serves a segment of the public other than an owner-occupied single-family dwelling.
   WATER WELL. Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is for the location, diversion, artificial recharge, or acquisition of groundwater.
(Ord. passed - -2016)