It shall be the duty of the police officers to:
   (A)   Preserve public peace, prevent crimes, detect and arrest offenders, and suppress riots and unlawful gatherings that obstruct the free passage of public streets, sidewalks, parks, and public places;
   (B)   Protect the rights of persons and property;
   (C)   Protect the public health and welfare;
   (D)   Preserve order at elections and all public meetings and assemblages;
   (E)   Regulate the movements of vehicles in the streets, bridges, parks, public squares, and highways;
   (F)   Provide proper police attendance at fires;
   (G)   Carefully observe and inspect all places of public amusement and all places of business having a license to carry on such business and suppress and restrain all unlawful and disorderly conduct or practices therein;
   (H)   Enforce and preserve the laws and ordinances in the city;
   (I)   Arrest all persons guilty of violating any law or ordinance;
   (J)   Prevent, as far as possible, any injury to city property and buildings, streets, and sidewalks;
   (K)   Report to the Chief of Police any repairs needed to any public property;
   (L)   Serve all processes issued to them; and
   (M)   Perform any and all other duties that may be assigned to them either by the City Manager or Chief of Police.
(Prior Code, § 32.23)
Statutory reference:
   Powers and duties of police officers, see G.S. § 160A-285