§ 31.22 CITY CLERK.
   (A)   Appointment. At its regular meeting after December 1 of each year and upon vacancy of the office, the City Council shall appoint a City Clerk upon recommendation of the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 31.055)
   (B)   Duties generally.
      (1)   It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to:
         (a)   Attend all meetings of the City Council unless excused by the Manager;
         (b)   Keep accurate records of all proceedings of the Council;
         (c)   Keep the original of all ordinances and the corporate seal;
         (d)   Provide notices for all meetings of City Council;
         (e)   Act as custodian of records of City Council meetings and documents approved by City Council including originals of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and the like in accord with the G.S. Chapter 132, Public Records Law, and other applicable statutes; and
         (f)   Perform other duties assigned, in writing, by the Manager.
      (2)   The City Clerk shall report to the City Manager, who shall be the Clerk’s immediate supervisor.
(Prior Code, § 31.056)
   (C)   Deputy City Clerk.
      (1)   The City Manager shall have authority to designate a person or persons as Deputy City Clerk. Upon designation by the City Manager, the Deputy City Clerk shall, in absence of the City Clerk and when authorized by the City Manager, have full authority to exercise and perform any of the powers and duties of the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 31.057)
(Ord. 0-82-2, passed 3-9-1982; Ord. passed 1-12-1999)
Statutory reference:
   Appointment and duties of City Clerk, see G.S. § 160A-171
   Related provisions, see G.S. Chapter 132