All pipes and appurtenant valves used for the distribution of natural or commercial gas that are located in the streets shall be installed and maintained beneath the ground surface. They may be installed and maintained underground within the area of the utility strip described in § 152.53(B) when and only when the same can be done without disturbing the soil or installing such pipe or facility nearer than the distance of 18 inches from the outside surface on the property side of the pipes, poles, or other facilities of any utility which is in existence at the time of installing such gas pipe or appurtenant facility. If the utility strip along any street within the city is not occupied by any facilities of any utility, then gas mains, pipes, or pipelines may be laid in such utility strip; provided, the excavation for laying of such gas facilities shall not be nearer than 30 inches to the curb or curb line as already located or as may be established by the city. In areas where no curb is now presently located, gas lines shall be laid at such places as may be indicated by the City Engineer or other person designated to perform such duties. The approval of such locations on non-curbed streets, alleys, or public ways shall be obtained from the City Engineer before the gas lines are installed. Such locations shall comply essentially with the requirements set forth in this section for installations where streets presently have curb lines.
(Prior Code, § 51.127)