(A)   Required. No person shall move any house, building, or other structure, except a mobile home, through or over any street, bridge, or sidewalk in the city without procuring a permit therefor from the City Building Inspector.
   (B)   Fee. Before a permit is issued under this section, the applicant shall be required to pay a fee as set from time to time by the City Council and kept on file in the office of the City Clerk.
   (C)   Bond. The City Building Inspector shall, in his or her discretion, require any person applying for a permit under division (A) above to file an adequate bond to indemnify the citizens and the city for all the consequences of moving the house, building, or other structure. If required, the bond shall be conditioned to indemnify the citizens and the city in case of loss or damage resulting from the following: any damage to any trees, pavement, street, sidewalk, wires, fire alarm, police alarm, telephone or other pole, or any other property of the city resulting from moving such structure.
      (1)   The permittee shall pay the owner when property is damaged in any manner whatsoever by the moving of such structure.
      (2)   The permittee shall save harmless and indemnify the city against all liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against the city, in any way, as a consequence of the granting of the permit or as a consequence of moving the structure thereunder.
      (3)   The permittee shall indemnify any citizen or person or his or her representative for any injury caused to any person other than the persons engaged in the moving of the structure by the moving of the structure.
   (D)   Payment for anticipated damage. In cases where the cutting of wires, the removal of poles, or the removal of or damage to the property of the city or of any private persons is contemplated, satisfactory arrangements with such parties for payment of the cost of the anticipated damage must be made before the structure is moved. The City Building Inspector shall have authority to enforce this section by withholding or suspending the permit in question.
(Prior Code, § 93.13)